In her bed? (1)


Rose woke slowly, her mind hazy and her body aching in ways she couldn't immediately understand. A dull throb pulsed through her limbs as she shifted slightly, wincing as a sharp pain shot through her side.

'What happened?' Confusion clouded her thoughts. A faint scent of grass drifted to her nose as she tried to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night.

Her eyebrows knitted together as her eyelids fluttered, heavy and reluctant to open. Once her amethyst eyes came into her view, she blinked, trying to put her surroundings to focus. 

The first sight that her eyes registered was a broad, bare chest mere inches from her face. Her heart unintentionally skipped a beat, and she was startled, her eyes widening as she took in the sight before her. The chest was strong and muscular, rising and falling steadily in a focused rhythm.