The queen’s plans

''Your highness!''

Aurora ignored the worried calls of Arsene, quickening her pace back to the queen's palace. She brushed past the shocked yet curious looks of the servants, her tear-stained face a testament to her turmoil.

'How could he?' The emperor's cold, dismissive attitude replayed in her mind, almost gritting her teeth in fury.

'How could he do this to me?'

How could he not keep his promises?!'

'He promised me!'

'How could he sleep with that woman?!'

'How dare that woman…!' The thought of her own husband with that woman together burned in her mind, fueling her haste towards the queen's palace. Her heart pounded with anger and betrayal.

The emperor had promised her, had he not? Why did he go back on his promises now? And he just had to sleep with that hateful woman in the empress's palace!

He even developed feelings for her!