The strange old lady (2)

In the imperial palace, the emperor's office was dimly illuminated by flickering candlelight, casting long shadows on the walls. The emperor sat behind the imposing desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he reviewed the documents. His hand moved decisively, signing one before setting it aside and reaching for the next document.

All of a sudden, the silence of the room was disturbed by a faint ethereal whisper. ''If you don't mate with phoenix, her soul will cease to exist. Your actions will disrupt the goddess's hard work.''

The emperor's feather pen froze mid-stroke, his eyes darting around the emperor's office in search of the source. The voice was unmistakably that of an old woman, yet he was alone. 

''....Why didn't you send a word of arrival, Shaman?'' He asked after a moment of silence. His face held no sign of surprise as his eyes caught the sight of a familiar old lady near the doors of his office.