Red wine

Good evening, empress?

Rose cocked an eyebrow at the emperor's choice of words, an amused subtle smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

''You may leave us, Vance.'' She shifted her gaze away from the silver-haired man to her personal butler standing silently on the side.

In response to her words, Vance bowed and exited the empress's bed chambers, leaving the pair alone in utter silence.

''Would you like to have a drink, your majesty?'' With a graceful turn, Rose moved to the nearby edge of the bed and sat close to the nightstand, where Vance had dropped a tray of a bottle of red wine and two wine cups.

She couldn't have the emperor just standing by the door and watching her quite intently.

''.....'' The emperor remained silent in response, but that did not stop him from accepting the invite and sitting close to the red-haired lady.