A solid evidence

''Your majesty?'' The familiar voice attracted Rose's attention from the fury bubbling in her heart. Her eyes instantly turned to the side, and she found herself face to face with her personal butler, Vance.

''Vance.'' She called out, feeling a little relieved seeing a familiar face in the unfamiliar hallway.

Vance bowed slightly, looking impeccably neat and composed as ever. "Is everything all right, Your Majesty?" he inquired, concern evident in his tone. He must have caught the furious look on her face.

''Yes, this empress is fine,'' Rose replied as her gaze drifted downward, and she noticed the delicate nightly robe draped over Vance's arm. 

The nightly robe was unmistakably hers.

''Where is the imperial princess?'' Rose questioned, noticing the absence of her lady-in-waiting, which was not supposed to be so. As her lady-in-waiting, the imperial princess was meant to be where she was in the imperial palace.