Chapter 96 - Life is strange 11

Are you entertained! Ha! Well, I'm getting bored of this arc but I don't want to rush it.

Anyway, I can't make the smut of Max, Chloe and Kate because of their current situation and background but I will eventually write it.

Anyway, next world is:

Johnny Test(Quick visit)

Pokémon (capture Pokémon to Fuck. Yes, he will turn them into sexy furry)

Morty adventure break.

Then afterwards, I'll do Aladdin to get jasmine.

Then Sleeping beauty. Aurora and Maleficent. Storywise it's the live action. Design wise. The cartoon.

This outline is not definite and can change depending on my mood.


Life is strange.

Wednesday, October 9.

7:00 AM.

The morning sunlight filtered gently through the curtains as Morty stirred awake. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the soft glow of the room. Turning his head, he saw Victoria sleeping peacefully beside him, her features soft and serene. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched her for a moment, feeling a warm surge of affection. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead softly, not wanting to wake her just yet.

Carefully slipping out of bed, Morty grabbed his phone from the nightstand and checked his messages. A text from Max caught his attention:

[ Hey Morty, can we meet up at Two Whales this morning? I need to talk to you and Chloe about something important. See you there?]

Morty replied quickly:

[ Sure, I'll be there soon. ]

With a glance back at Victoria, he decided to make her breakfast. He headed to the kitchen, whipping up some pancakes and bacon, the smell of the food filling the apartment. Once everything was ready, he left a note by the plate:

{ Morning, Victoria. Made you breakfast. Had to meet someone at Two Whales. See you later. — Morty }

Satisfied, he went to take a quick shower, the hot water waking him up fully. He dressed in his usual attire and, with one last look at the still-sleeping Victoria, headed out the door.

Driving to Two Whales, Morty felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity about what Max needed to discuss. When he arrived at the diner, he parked and walked inside, spotting Max and Chloe at their usual booth. Max looked up and smiled as he approached.

"Hey, Morty. Thanks for coming." Chloe gave him a casual nod.

"Yo, Morty. Grab a seat." Morty slid into the booth opposite them.

"Morning, guys. So, what's up?" Max took a deep breath, her expression serious. She prepared herself to speak the truth even though it still feels unreal and uncertain if she should be sharing it but decided to take a leap of faith.

"I had a really vivid dream last night. It felt more like a vision, actually. It was about another timeline, one where everything went wrong. The storm hit Arcadia Bay, Chloe... you were gone, and Rachel too."Chloe's face hardened at the mention of Rachel.

"What do you mean 'gone'?"

Max hesitated before continuing. "In that timeline, I had to choose between you and the town. I chose to save the town, and you... you died, Chloe. Rachel never made it out of the dark room. It was a complete disaster."

Chloe's eyes widened, and she glanced at Morty. She can't believe that there's a possibility that her close friend will die. She didn't care if she died and what reason this other max chose to sacrifice her, what matters to her is that her close friends died!

"So, what does this mean for us?" Max looked at Morty, her eyes pleading for understanding. She blushed trying to think of a way to convey what she remembered.

"The other me, from that timeline, she told me to cherish what we have now. To stay close to you, Morty. That you're the reason things are different. And she also said to... join your harem."

Morty raised an eyebrow but stayed silent, letting Max continue. Max blushed slightly, but steeled herself and didn't waver.

"I know it sounds strange, but she was insistent. She said this is our second chance to make things right, to be happy. And she wanted me to tell you, Chloe, that she's sorry she couldn't save you."

Chloe's tough exterior softened, her eyes misting up. She wondered how much this other Max was in pain at the fact her Chloe died and it was her own choice.

Chloe felt that she had to be the one who convinced Chloe to sacrifice her since she knew Max would do everything to save her. Even though they hadn't met for a long time she felt that Max value her to an extent more than anyone she knows.

"Damn, Max. That's... a lot to take in. But if it means we can avoid that hellish future, I'm all in." Morty finally spoke, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Max, Chloe, I promise to do everything I can to keep you both safe. We're in this together. And if staying close means being part of my harem, then we'll figure it out. But I'm not forcing you. Just know I'll be here for you." Max nodded, relief washing over her face.

"Thank you, Morty. It means a lot to me." Chloe smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, it's not every day you get invited into a harem. Guess there's a first time for everything."

They all laughed, the tension easing as they settled into their breakfast. As they enjoyed their breakfast, Morty decided to ask about Rachel.

"So, how's Rachel doing?" he inquired, genuinely curious about her condition after the ordeal they had recently gone through. Chloe grinned, a hint of relief and happiness in her eyes.

"She's doing a lot better. Awake and recovering. Actually, she mentioned wanting to meet you, Morty. She's really curious about the guy who helped save her." Max chuckled softly, adding.

"Yeah, she's heard a lot about you already. I think she'd really like to meet you in person." Chloe leaned back in her seat, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Hey, maybe she should join your harem too. She's definitely got the personality for it." Morty raised an eyebrow, smirking at Chloe's teasing tone.

"Is that so? Well, I'm always open to making new friends. And if she wants to join, we'll see how it goes." Chloe laughed, clearly enjoying the playful banter.

"Seriously though, Rachel's been through a lot. I think she'd appreciate meeting someone like you, Morty. You've already made a big difference in our lives." Max nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely. And who knows? Maybe she'll find this whole harem thing intriguing."

After paying for their meals, they all got up to leave. Chloe turned to Morty as they exited the diner.

"Alright, let's head to the hospital. Rachel's probably wondering where we are."

Max agreed, and they made their way to Chloe's truck. Morty followed in his car. As they walked towards the parking lot, Chloe and Max both stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in surprise.

"Dude, is that your car?" Chloe exclaimed, pointing at the sleek Koenigsegg Gemera parked nearby. Morty grinned, nodding.

"Yeah, that's mine." Max's jaw dropped.

"I knew you had an impressive ride, but this is next level. How did you even get a car like that?" Morty shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"Let's just say I've got my ways. Dimensional travel has its perks." Chloe walked around the car, clearly impressed.

"You know, Morty, this is pretty badass. I didn't expect you to be rolling in something like this." Morty chuckled.

"Glad you like it. Want to ride with me, or are we taking your truck, Chloe?" Chloe glanced at her old truck and then back at the Gemera, clearly torn.

"As much as I love my truck, I can't pass up a ride in this beauty. Max, you in?" Max nodded enthusiastically.

"Absolutely. This is going to be awesome."

With that, they all climbed into Morty's car, Chloe taking the front passenger seat while Max settled into the back. Morty fired up the engine, the powerful roar making both girls grin with excitement.

"Alright, let's go see Rachel," Morty said, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the hospital.

During the drive, Chloe and Max marveled at the car's luxurious interior and advanced features. Morty answered their questions, explaining some of the modifications he'd made thanks to his grandfather Rick's expertise.

"This car is like something out of a sci-fi movie," Max commented, looking out the window at the passing scenery.

"That's because it kinda is," Morty replied with a smirk.

"I made it and can transform into a space car." Chloe glanced at Morty, a mixture of admiration and curiosity in her eyes.

"You really are full of surprises, Morty." Inside the car, they asked about it and he happily explained his adventure to make it shocking to learn the things he has done before.

As they arrived at the hospital and walked towards Rachel's room, Morty felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. Chloe knocked lightly on the door before opening it and stepping inside. Rachel was sitting up in bed, looking much better than when they had last seen her.

"Hey, Rachel," Chloe greeted with a warm smile.

"I brought some friends with me."

Rachel looked up, her eyes brightening as she saw Chloe and Max. Then her gaze shifted to Morty, curiosity and gratitude in her expression.

"You must be Morty," she said, her voice soft but steady.

"I'm glad you came." Morty stepped forward, offering a friendly smile.

"Yeah, that's me. It's really nice to meet you, Rachel. I'm glad to see you're doing better." Rachel smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes.

"Thanks to all of you, especially you, Morty. I can't believe everything that's happened. It's like a dream." Chloe grinned, sitting down beside Rachel.

"Yeah, a crazy dream. But we're all here now, and that's what matters." Max sat on the other side of Rachel, adding,

"And we're not going anywhere. We're in this together." Morty nodded in agreement.

"Absolutely. Whatever comes next, we'll face it as a team." Rachel looked around at her friends, her expression a mix of relief and gratitude.

"I don't know what the future holds, but I'm glad to have all of you by my side." Chloe leaned in, her tone teasing once more.

"And who knows, maybe you'll even join Morty's harem. Seems like the thing to do these days." Rachel laughed softly, the sound filled with genuine amusement.

"We'll see about that, Chloe. But for now, I'm just happy to be here with all of you." As they settled into the hospital room, Rachel looked at Morty with curiosity.

"So, Morty, tell me more about yourself. Chloe and Max have been singing your praises, but I want to hear it from you." Morty smiled, leaning back in his chair.

"Well, there's not too much to tell. I'm just a regular guy with a knack for finding myself in interesting situations." Chloe chuckled.

"That's putting it mildly." Max nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Morty's being modest. He's definitely not your average guy." Rachel tilted her head, clearly intrigued.

"Okay, so what do you do when you're not rescuing damsels in distress?" Morty grinned, trying to think of a way to describe his life without giving away the dimensional travel aspect.

"I'm into a lot of different things. Science, mainly. My grandpa is a brilliant scientist, and I've learned a lot from him. We... tinker with stuff, make cool gadgets." Chloe smirked.

"Cool gadgets is an understatement. He's got some serious tech." Rachel raised an eyebrow.

"Like what? Give me an example." Morty thought for a moment.

"Well, I have this device that can help regulate temporal anomalies. It's not something you'd find in a regular science lab."Max leaned in, adding.

"He gave me one to help with my, uh, time issues. It's been really helpful." Rachel looked impressed even though she doesn't know what they are talking about.

"Wow, that sounds incredible. So you're kind of like a tech genius?" Morty laughed.

"I wouldn't go that far, but I do enjoy pushing the limits of what's possible. I guess you could say I'm always looking for new challenges."Rachel smiled, clearly intrigued by Morty's mysterious aura.

"You must have some pretty amazing stories." Morty shrugged, trying to stay humble.

"I've had my fair share of adventures. Some more dangerous than others. But I always try to do the right thing." Chloe nudged Rachel playfully.

"See? I told you he was something else." Rachel nodded, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Yeah, I can see that. Thanks for being here, Morty. It means a lot to me." Morty smiled warmly.

"I'm glad I could help. And I'm glad to be here with all of you."

The conversation continued, with Rachel asking more questions and Morty sharing as much as he could without revealing the full extent of his interdimensional adventures. He spoke about his family, his love for science, and his determination to make a difference in the world, giving subtle hints about the extraordinary experiences he'd had without going into detail.

As the day went on, the bond between them grew stronger. Morty felt a sense of belonging with these new friends, knowing that they were now part of his journey. And with Rachel now safe and recovering, he felt a renewed sense of purpose.

Eventually, visiting hours ended, and they said their goodbyes to Rachel, promising to visit again soon. As they left the hospital, Chloe and Max walked with Morty to his car, their conversation filled with laughter and camaraderie.

"Thanks for being there for Rachel," Max said, giving Morty a grateful smile. Chloe nodded.

"Yeah, you're pretty awesome, Morty. We're lucky to have you around." Morty smiled, feeling genuinely appreciated.

"I'm lucky to have met all of you. We've got each other's backs, no matter what."

As they drove away, Morty couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. He concluded that his stay in this world had been finished and didn't have anything to do beside the upcoming Vortex Club party.

'What should I visit next? Guess I'll let my device decide after we finish the vortex party.'