Chapter 34 - Reaction.

Damn, some accidentally reported my Discord Account and my old account is now gone. Fortunately I was able to transfer the ownership of my discord to my alternative account.

For those who haven't joined my discord server. Here is the code.


Okay so, should I do Ben 10 for Looma and Attea first or should I do Species Movie first?

Btw, image of pregnant Loom and Attea here. Hopefully Web Novel doesn't shadowbanned it.

[ Image here ]

Anyway, hopefully I'm still able to update while school gets in the way.

That aside, enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches.


Rick and Morty


Smith household

7:20 Am. At the same time Morty went to the summer room and got to the bathroom.

"What the fuck is that!?" This was the first thing that came out of Jerry's mouth upon seeing Zed who tilted her in confusion. Ever since the incident with snuffle or snowball developed a phobia with dogs having nightmare of getting ruled over again.

On the other hand, Rick was looking at the dog like an alien wondering where it came from then immediately pointed to Morty. He is the only one who would want a dog in the house in the first place.

"Shut *Buurp* up, Jerry. It's *Buurp* early in the morning and I can't deal with your shit." Rick said turning to his daughter who was at the table as another person was setting up the table for them.

"Do you have any idea who this is?" He asked and before Beth could explain Cortana stepped forward to introduce himself.

"Good Morning, Rick, Jerry, my name is Cortana, a Synthetic Techorganic Android and Artificial Intelligence creation for Morty Smith Sanchez." She finished with Jerry dumbstruck and horrified that his son was able to create a machine lifeform. Wasn't it only been three days!?

"Did that son of *buurrrp* bitch mess with time!?" Rick immediately concluded that he was only able to make this quickly if he created a time traveling machine using the schematic that he put to himself long again.

"That is correct, however Morty has made sure it won't have any butterfly effect from his time hopping. In addition, he used a time machine to dilute the time axis within his work to create more invention." Cortana explained seeing the angry Rick who made sure time traveling was off limits because it is a complete mess to deal with.

"Im'ma kill that kid once I see him!" He shouted.

"Dad! Don't! I'm sure Morty knows what he's doing." Beth immediately tries to calm her father down seeing he has deep hatred about traveling time.

"This is an American show, not some British show with a man in an old phone booth! Fuck! Don't blame me if he tear the fabric of *Buurp* space time." Rick sat down chugging his flask while Jerry was still shaking in his boots when Zed simply looked at him.

"Uhmm…can someone help with this…dog? I don't like the way he looks at me." Jerry said and this made Zed whimper in sadness.

"Now look, you made her sad." Beth angrily said.

"What? It's a girl? Wait, How did I make her sad? Don't tell me it's another genius dog that is going—" Jerry was panicking until he was interrupted by Beth.

"Stop overreacting and sit down already, Jerry!" Beth shouted at her husband who doesn't have any balls and got scared and immediately sat down.

"Woah, never knew I *Buurp* would see this day. You make me proud Honey."

Rick enjoyed that Beth was slowly turning away from Jerry. He did try his Beth to separate the two but the serum the council of rick was something none of them can reverse. Not that he will go to trouble in trying to help when she isn't his daughter.

He had to guess that it was Morty who was somehow able to work faster than he anticipated. He thought at most it would take a week or two but actually taking only took a few days.

Jerry listened to his wife like a dog not wanting to upset her and was expecting for her to apologize but she didn't bother looking at her turned to Rick.

"Dad, I'm serious, don't hurt Morty because of the time travel thing." Beth was sincere and completely different from a mother worried for her son to a woman. Rick finished drinking.

"*Buurp* Yeah, whatever. I'm just letting you know *Buurp* that I don't mind homicidal extermination but *Buurp* time travel shenanigans are a lot *buurp* more troublesome I tell you." Rick said leaned in his chair while having their plate set up.

"Right, where's Morty anyway? Is he still asleep?" Jerry joined the conversation feeling left out and trying to distract himself from Zed who was simply laying on the floor nearby.

"Morty went to wake up Summer. I don't know why they are taking so long…." Beth realized that they were likely having another round making her bite her lips aroused by the thought.

"Is something wrong, honey?" Jerry noticed how she bit her lips too ignorant to even realize that his wife was no more. Rick raised a frow because she knew exactly what she was thinking.

'That kid sure acts fast. At this rate, we can say Jerry goodbye.' Rick thought seeing his daughter's reaction.

"Nothing, I just remembered something. Anyways we should just wait until they come down before we eat." Beth said

"No need, we're here." They all turned to see Morty and Summer dressed differently, having traveled through time to the exact moment to not waste time.

"Woah, looking sharp there son." Jerry commented feeling proud that his son became a lot more good looking.

"Thanks. The Sanchez side works wonderfully." Morty smirked, making his dad sad to hear it since this means his side was the ugly part.

"Fffffhahaha Good one, *Buurp* Morty." Rick enjoyed how his grandson also started to trash talk Jerry who didn't like it one bit.

"But that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Do you realize how fuck it is to mess with time? I don't care if you brought talien with you but I ain't going to fix shit if you tear the fabric of time." He had done it before trying to save Diane but it wasn't the same. It was impossible.

"Got it covered. I made some temporal barrier that prevented any disruption and essentially gave me a boat to sail through the time stream with ease." Morty explained in ways that can be understood.

"Alright. I think we should eat before the food gets cold." Rick replied as everyone began to dig into their meal enjoying Morty's cooking.

"So, Rick, still no adventure?" Morty asked to take a bite of the meal and Jerry frowned, not liking the discussion of adventure.

"Not *Buuurp* yet, it's only been few days since you're last *Buurp* fuck up." Rick reminded him of the Cronenberg incident and Morty nodded.

"Alright, hey, mom I might not come home. There's something I need to do. And like Grandpa said, I need to be careful traveling through time." Morty said knowing that his mom is going to say that he can simply head back home by traveling through time and space.

"Where are you going?" Jerry asked him.

"My own adventurer I guess." Morty said.

"Isn't that dangerous?" His dad said.

"No, not really. Unless you're an idiot and don't have the balls to do so then it's dangerous." Morty was subtle in his insult to his dad that went unnoticed beside Rick, Beth and Summer who understood what he was trying to say.

"I know you're smart but you're not invincible." Jerry said.

"Yeah I know." Morty agreed to him, making his dad feel like he was finally able to put some sense to his son.

"Because I'm Morty Sanchez Smith and I'm more than invincible." He declares proudly hoping that he can get rid of Jerry and get his name back.

'If my plan works then Jerry will be gone today.'

Morty thought smiling inwardly as he had been putting the piece together and was going to have a domino effect. There's a reason why he does things.

"Gaaah…Beth, can you help me with this? Aren't you worried?" Jerry tries to get some help and his wife shakes her head.

"Put some trust in him. I'm sure he can come safely." Beth said.

"Unbelievable. I'm the only one with a sensible mind here." Jerry was annoyed at being the only one who was thinking logically.

"If you keep *Buurp* using normal *Buurp* standard jerry on a Sanchez then you might *buurp* as well give up. " Rick said to him and the leech grumbled in annoyance.

"I give up. What about you, Summer? I hope you're not going somewhere dangerous." Jerry turned to his oldest daughter who was on her phone.

"Me? I'm going somewhere with Tricia and Nancy after school." Summer said.

"Is it a party?" Beth asked her daughter.

"No, we are just going to work on our group assignment due on Friday." Summer said.

"Ah, Okay then should I buy dinner or just get take out?" Beth asked.

"It's up to you. I'm most likely going to eat during my adventure." Morty said.

"Okay, I'll buy take out." Beth said.

"Hey, can we get orange chicken?" Jerry asked

"Sure. By the way, make sure you find a job at the end of the day." Beth reminded him since he was still jobless and failed miserably.

"Got it. I'm sure the day is the day my ideas are well received."

Jerry said as everyone looked at him with intense doubt in their mind. Once everyone ate, Beth took Jerry, Summer and Morty to her care and drove them to their destination while Rick went somewhere leaving Cortana to handle the house with Zed.