Chapter 48 - Villa mansion

Okay, sorry, I just don't know what kind of adventure I can make for Rick and morty. Because it will end up the same from the show, then again I can slightly change like the purge and other stuff.

You can suggest the scenario and I'll try to make it.

Speaking purge, should I get that cat girl from that episode? Just asking.

Anyway, as you can see, this is Pokémon harem so some girls will be neglected like unimportant girls but the girls I personally want in the story will be active.

That aside, enjoy this chapter. Toodaloo Bitches.


Rick and Morty


Smith household


8:00 am.

After they finished taking a bath and dressing themselves, Morty gave them goodbye kisses and helped apply spatial travel into Beth's car to allow them to arrive at their destination on time. This reminded him of the things he needed to do that day and immediately looked up his agenda, having set up a meeting at the real estate agent.

Morty shifted his lab coat turning into a brown overcoat while wearing a black buttons up shirt and slacks along with black shoes and glasses that he normally wear as an accessory.

"So, I just need to meet up with the real estate agent huh?." Morty muttered, stepping forward, shifting the space and time around him and arriving near the building.

He calmly approached the grand entrance of the real estate agency. The thought of owning his own villa was both thrilled and intimidated him. Though he is actually stoic knowing the vastness of reality still has emotion.

The agency's glass doors slid open with a gentle whoosh as Morty stepped inside. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mixing with the subtle undertone of leather-bound books. He walked up to the front desk where a friendly receptionist greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome to Prestige Realty, how may I assist you today?" she asked, blushing a bit upons seeing Morty.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Peterson. Morty Sanchez." Morty used his other last name because it sounded better and contrasted with his name. He also made a fake identity that won't be traceable or detectable. The receptionist nodded and tapped a few keys on her computer.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Sanchez. Mr. Peterson is expecting you. Please, have a seat, and I'll let him know you've arrived."

Morty settled into one of the plush armchairs, his mind buzzing with excitement and apprehension. Moments later, a tall man with a neatly trimmed beard emerged from one of the office doors. He extended a hand towards Morty with a warm smile.

"Mr. Sanchez, pleasure to meet you. I'm Daniel Peterson, your real estate agent for today," He said, his voice exuding confidence and professionalism. Morty shook Daniel's hand, feeling a surge of reassurance.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Peterson. Please, call me Morty."

"Of course, Morty. Shall we get started?"

Daniel gestured towards his office, and Morty followed him inside. The office was adorned with framed photographs of luxurious properties, each more stunning than the last.

Morty remained calm since he could buy or create an entire universe if he wanted to but find it more entertaining to do it in the old ways. Daniel pulled up a chair for Morty and settled behind his desk.

"So, Morty, tell me a bit about what you're looking for in a villa mansion." Morty took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

"Well, I've always dreamed of having a spacious home with plenty of natural light, maybe a pool and a garden where I can relax. Somewhere peaceful but not too far from the city."

Daniel nodded, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he pulled up listings tailored to Morty's preferences.

"I think I have just the place in mind. There's a stunning villa on the outskirts of town that might pique your interest. It has everything you've described and more."

Excitement bubbled up inside Morty as he listened to Daniel describe the property. It sounded perfect, almost too good to be true. But as they say, seeing is believing.

"Could we schedule a viewing?" Morty asked eagerly.

"Absolutely," Daniel replied with a grin.

"How about tomorrow morning? I'll arrange everything, and we can take a closer look at your future dream home."

As Morty left the real estate agency, a sense of anticipation filled his chest. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough. He was on the brink of a new chapter in his life, and he couldn't wait to see where this journey would take him.

He left the agency, shifting time and traveled to the next day since his other self at that time was likely in school or doing something he didn't know yet.

'Funny, I'm both my future and past self. Is this how the Doctor feels?' Morty thought about the certain lord of time. He went ahead to change his clothes simply turning into a black and his shirt white.

He looked around where the morning sun cast a warm glow over the sprawling hills where rich folks lived. Morty walked to the gates telling the guards about his reason for going there and gave him access when he contacted Daniel.

Soon Morty arrived at the address Daniel had given him. His heart pounded with excitement, each mile bringing him closer to his dream home, his villa mansion.

As Morty rounded the final bend, the sight before him took his breath away. The villa stood majestically against a backdrop of rolling hills and lush greenery, its elegant facade bathed in the golden light of dawn. He parked his car and stepped out, his anticipation reaching fever pitch. The place was located in a rich people area and certainly had politicians, celebrities, rich folks and gold diggers.

Not that he is against them since everyone has their gift and tools used to live. Sure they are in for the money but it's no different to men who are after their beauty. Daniel was already waiting for him at the entrance, a smile stretching across his face as Morty approached.

"Good morning, Morty. Ready to see your new home?"

Morty slowly nodded, giving a smile feeling excitement at the thought of owning his own that he can modify.

Together, they walked up the winding driveway, the sound of birdsong filling the air. As they reached the front steps, Daniel handed Morty a set of keys, each one gleaming in the morning light.

"These are for you, Morty," Daniel said, his voice tinged with pride.

"Your new villa mansion awaits."

Morty's hands reached out and took the keys. This was it—the moment he had been dreaming of, working towards, for so long. With a deep breath, he inserted the key into the lock and turned it with a satisfying click.

The door swung open to reveal a grand foyer, sunlight streaming in through the arched windows. Morty stepped inside, his eyes widening in wonder at the sight before him. The interior was even more beautiful than he had imagined, with marble floors, high ceilings, and tasteful decor at every turn.

Daniel led Morty through the spacious rooms, each one more breathtaking than the last. From the cozy living room with its roaring fireplace to the gourmet kitchen filled with state-of-the-art appliances, every detail had been carefully considered to create a haven of luxury and comfort.

Finally, they arrived at the master suite, where French doors opened onto a private balcony overlooking the manicured gardens below. Morty felt a lump form in his throat as he took in the serene vista, the realization of his newfound ownership washing over him in waves.

"This is incredible," Morty whispered, his voice barely above a hush.

Daniel smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "I'm glad you think so, Morty. You've worked hard for this moment, and you deserve every bit of it."

As they made their way back to the foyer, Daniel handed Morty a thick envelope containing all the necessary paperwork—the deed to the property, the mortgage agreement, and everything in between. Morty's hands shook slightly as he flipped through the documents. This villa mansion was more than just a house—it was a symbol of Morty's journey to greatness.

As Morty stepped out into the morning light, a smile spread across his face. With the keys to his new home in hand and a world of fun possibilities stretching out before him, he knew that this was only the beginning of his journey. And he couldn't wait to see where it would take him next.

"Well, Mr.Sanchez, I'll be off. If you need anything please contact us." Daniel gave his farewell leaving Morty to his new home where Morty smirks. He shut the door walking down to the garage that has everything he needs and more.

Morty took a device and placed it in the wall where it suddenly glowed making engraving that turned into a shape of a door that slid open revealing his laboratory and room back in his Smith house connected the two.

"Alright, let's go back to the past and let my future self come here."

Morty immediately went to the past leaving the Villa unattended for the time being where he arrived back on wednesday. He went over to his room working a bit in his space cruiser with Cortana helping him like usual.

Morty's workshop hummed with activity as he tinkered away on his latest project—a space car unlike any other. Cortana, his trusty AI assistant, stood nearby, controlling her body and her holographic form as it flickered with excitement as she analyzed data and offered suggestions.

He used his Primatrix to transform into a fusion of Greymatter, Jurryrigg and Brainstorm allowing him to create insane adjustments to the space car that turned into unstoppable vehicles of all terrain. Morty added some weapons that have nearly everything.

"Looking good, Morty," Cortana chimed in, her voice echoing through the workshop.

"Just a few more adjustments, and we'll be ready for the test flight."

Morty wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, his hands deftly maneuvering the intricate components of the space car. He had poured countless hours into this project, pouring over blueprints, conducting experiments, and pushing the boundaries of technology to create a vehicle that would revolutionize space travel.

But despite his best efforts, there were still a few crucial parts missing—components that couldn't be found on Earth.

'I can easily invent things with ease but where's the fun in that? It's like making a model kit having the option for painting it yourself or making someone else do it.' Morty thought for himself and closed all the holographic panels looking at the time where he spent a couple of hours on it.

"Alright, we can set to visit Khoros later once our date is over." Morty didn't use any more time dilution since he found it more exhilarating. Not to mention, he was almost down with it and simply needed a few more parts to add.