Chapter 68 - History Project

Dude my horny just got in the way again. Hope you don't mind the upcoming Pokémon Breeding chapters in the near future.

Anyway, I'll quicken up the pace a bit and allow new content to flourish.

That aside, Morty will go on an adventure with Rick on Garzorpbazorp or maybe I will make one with Vindicator where Morty knocks up Supernova where after Morty and Rick helped them would go to get the Garzorpbazorp robot?

By the way, this fic never intended to be a serious series. I just do what I like.

Anyway, enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches.


Morty Sanchez stood in front of his new Koenigsegg Gemera, a sleek marvel of engineering that glistened under the afternoon sun. He leaned casually against the driver's side door, his broad shoulders filling out his casual button-up shirt.

His usual unassuming demeanor was transformed by the stylish sunglasses perched on his nose and the confident posture he'd adopted. He could hardly believe he was here, waiting for Jessica to join him for a school project.

Morty had a lot of fun enjoying himself breeding with his new girls, Eve, Sil and Laura Bakerjoined by their newly daughters where he named after characters from fiction namely Sarah from Species 3, Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft, Samus from Metroid, Riful, Theresa, Rafaela, Luciela, and every girl from Claymore was named after those characters.

At the moment, they are giving birth to his granddaughter who Morty hadn't slept with, letting them be trained by their mothers and Cortana who turned them into Maids.

Funny thing is that Maids are made to serve their master. In this case they were serving their daddy and granddaddy Morty. It's weird since they are his daughter and granddaughter at the same time.

There weren't any defects or abnormalities if anything they were at the peak of their performance. Morty is capable of creating a spatial dimension to spend time with them therefore it isn't an issue for him to have quality time.

Though, most of them involve seggs because that's how their species is. They are not human with the same morals and feelings. Despite this, Morty takes good care of them to the best of his ability and intention. Before he left, his children made a promise to him.

"We will make sure to get strong and give daddy more breeding slut to fuck."

Morty can't help but think about it where he doesn't need to hold back and conquer the world to defile. He never put labels on his morally since he already murdered and destroyed entire universes. They are infinite numbers. What does one matter?

Though, he wouldn't do it in this universe because he wants to enjoy the moment doesn't mean he can't enjoy the other.

Jessica stepped out of her house, her eyes widening as she saw the gleaming hypercar parked in her driveway. She had expected Morty to show up in his usual clunker, a beat-up old sedan that was more rust than metal. But this… this was something else.


she called out, walking down the steps with a mix of confusion and amusement on her face.

"Is this… yours?"

Morty smiled, removing his sunglasses with a dramatic flair.

"Hey, Jessica. Yeah, it's mine. I decided I needed a better ride." She laughed, shaking her head.

"This is insane. I didn't know you had it in you to drive something like this."

"Yeah, well, it's full of surprises. Hop in, we've got a project to finish, remember?"

Jessica hesitated for a moment, still in disbelief, before walking around to the passenger side. She opened the door, marveling at the luxurious interior.

"I have to say, Morty, this is a pretty big step up from your usual style." Morty chuckled, his confidence boosted by her reaction.

"Yeah, well, people change, right? Let's get going."

They pulled out of her driveway, the powerful engine purring smoothly as they sped off towards Morty's house. The drive was surprisingly comfortable, the advanced suspension of the Gemera making short work of the bumpy roads. Jessica glanced over at Morty, studying his profile. There was something different about him today, a newfound confidence that she couldn't quite place.

"So, where'd you get the car?" she asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well, things happen and I got lucky, I guess." Morty explained, skirting around the full truth of Rick's interdimensional escapades. Jessica nodded, accepting his vague explanation.

"Well, it's definitely cool. I bet the guys at school are gonna flip when they see this."

Morty grinned, thinking about the inevitable reactions.

"Yeah, probably."

After a few minutes of silence, Jessica looked at Morty curiously.

"So, where have you been the past couple of days? You missed a bunch of classes." Morty hesitated, then decided to go for it.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"Try me."

Morty took a deep breath.

"Okay, so I went on this crazy adventure. I ended up on this planet called Khoros, and, uh… I kinda ended up getting engaged with a Tetramand princess named Looma while I was there." Jessica blinked, her jaw dropping.

"You what?"

"Yeah, it was pretty wild," Morty continued, trying to keep his tone casual.

"I was just looking for parts to fix up the car, and one thing led to another. Long story short, we had this big ceremony and everything."

Jessica stared at him, her mind racing to process what she was hearing.

"You're engage? To an alien princess?" Morty shrugged.

"Technically, yeah. But don't worry, they accept me having more than one girl since according to them the strong have the right to have many mates to make sure the bloodline stays." Morty innuating towards and she blushes a bit thinking that she still has a chance.

Ever since he stopped coming to school, she felt lost and asked the Andavaverse girls and Summer about it, having told her was busy while the former didn't know. She felt lost and wondered if she lost her chances having lucid dreams about him pounding her where it was slowly corrupting her.

At this moment, she decided to do something about it even if she appears like an easy girl won't matter because the feelings between them are mutual. Does she care if she has other girls? She strangely doesn't care and simply wanted to be his.

"Anyway, I got the parts I needed, and now the car can also transform into a space vehicle." Jessica shook her head in disbelief.

"This is crazy, Morty. I mean, you've always changed since Monday, but this is on a whole new level."

Morty laughed.

"Tell me about it. My life's been pretty insane since Grandpa Rick started taking me on his adventures."

They arrived at Morty's house, and he parked the Gemera in the driveway, making sure to turn a few heads in the neighborhood. They got out, and Morty led Jessica inside.

As Morty and Jessica entered the house, Morty noticed The usual noise of his mom, Beth, bustling in the kitchen and his sister, Summer, blaring music from her room was absent. The house was empty.

"Is everything okay?" Jessica asked, sensing his unease.

Morty shook off his worry, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"Yeah, probably haven't come home yet. Come on, let's head to my room. We can work there."

He led Jessica down the hallway to his bedroom door. As he opened it, Jessica gasped. Morty's room was not just a room. It was an expansive, futuristic haven that defied the modest exterior of his suburban house.

"Whoa, Morty, what is this?"

Jessica asked, stepping inside and looking around in awe. The room was massive, with sleek metal walls, advanced tech gadgets, and a ceiling that seemed to stretch into infinity, resembling the night sky filled with stars and nebulae.

Morty grinned, closing the door behind them.

"It's another one of my inventions. I tinkered with the space-time continuum or something to make it bigger on the inside. Pretty cool, huh?"

Jessica wandered deeper into the room, marveling at the advanced holographic displays and floating furniture.

"This is amazing. It's like something out of a sci-fi movie."

Morty walked over to a large desk filled with various gadgets and components.

"Yeah, it's got everything I need for our project and more. Let's set up here."

As they settled in, Jessica couldn't help but admire the intricate design of the room.

"You know, Morty, your life is full of surprises. One minute you're this normal guy, and the next, you're showing me a room that looks like it's from the future."

Morty chuckled, trying to play it cool.

"Yeah, it's definitely not boring. My grandpa's always got something new up his sleeve. Alright, let's get to work," he said, pulling out their notes and supplies.

Morty Sanchez and Jessica had just settled into his room, still buzzing from the earlier excitement of the Koenigsegg Gemera. The initial shock of the room's futuristic and expansive interior had worn off, and they were now surrounded by holographic displays and advanced tech that made studying feel like an adventure.

"So, what do you think we should do our history project on?" Jessica asked, leaning back in her chair, eyes still scanning the various alien artifacts and high-tech gadgets scattered around. Morty leaned forward, tapping on a floating holographic keyboard.

"I've been thinking about Christopher Columbus." Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"Columbus? Isn't that kind of… basic?" Jessica suddenly recalled the last time they spoke. Morty nodded.

"Yeah, but I was thinking we could go deeper like the one I mentioned. Everyone knows the basic story – he discovered America, blah blah blah. But there's a lot of dark stuff that gets glossed over in school."

Jessica leaned in, intrigued.

"Like what?"

"Well," Morty began.

"Columbus did some pretty horrible things. Enslavement, brutality against indigenous people, stuff that doesn't make it into the textbooks. I think we should focus on how history has been changed to hide those parts of his story."

Jessica nodded slowly.

"That's actually a really good idea. It's important to talk about the truth, even if it's uncomfortable."

Morty smiled, glad she was on board.

"Exactly. And with all the resources we have here," he gestured around the room.

"We can really dig into it."

Jessica glanced around, her eyes landing on a holographic display that was showing a timeline of Columbus's voyages.

"Where do we start?"

"Let's start with the basics and build from there." Morty suggested. He brought up a detailed map of Columbus's routes.

"We can use this to track his journeys and compare what he reported versus what actually happened."

They began their work, sifting through historical documents and records that Morty's room's advanced tech made easily accessible. Holographic screens displayed primary sources, old maps, and scholarly articles. They cross-referenced these with modern analyses and reports.

"Look at this," Jessica said after a while, pointing to a document.

"This letter from Columbus to the Spanish crown. He talks about the natives as if they're commodities."

Morty peered over her shoulder, reading the text.

"Yeah, and here's an account from one of his crew members talking about the atrocities they committed. It's really disturbing."

Jessica sighed.

"It's crazy how much of this is left out of the standard history curriculum. People still celebrate Columbus Day without really knowing what they're celebrating."

"Exactly," Morty said.

"Our report should highlight these discrepancies. We can compare the sanitized version of history with the reality and discuss why the true story is important."

As they worked, Morty found himself increasingly comfortable around Jessica. Their shared outrage at the injustices of history and their commitment to uncovering the truth created a bond. He was surprised at how easily the conversation flowed and how their ideas built off one another.

They spent hours piecing together their project, constructing a narrative that was both informative and compelling. They included interactive elements using the room's holographic capabilities, creating a dynamic presentation that went beyond a simple report.

"Imagine if we could present it like this in class," Jessica mused, gesturing at the floating screens and interactive maps. Morty chuckled

"Yeah, that would definitely blow everyone's minds. Maybe one day."

As they wrapped up, Morty saved their work to a holographic data cube and turned to Jessica.

"Thanks for doing this with me. I think we've got something really powerful here." Jessica smiled.

"Thank you, Morty. I had no idea you were so passionate about this stuff. And your room is amazing – it's like something out of a dream."

Morty felt a warm flush of pride.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. My inventions have their perks."

They stood up, stretching after hours of intense work. Jessica gathered her things, preparing to head home.

"See you at school, Morty," she said, giving him a warm smile.

"Wait, how about you stay for the night? It's already late." Morty suggested walking over to her where Jessica became nervous and tripped. She closed her eyes preparing for impact but it never came.

"I got you. Funny how I want you to fall for me but not like this." Morty held her waist wrapping his around it while Jessica looked intently in his eyes. She was inches away from his lips and felt her heart racing before pulling him for a kiss surprising him a bit but didn't resist.

'Mhmmmh~♥️ W-Why does this feel so good~♥️!? My ex never made me feel this way~♥️♥️ I want more~♥️' Jessica wildly kissed Morty's lips trying to not let him go gasping between breaths before and soon pushed Morty into the floor.