Chapter 94 - Life is Strange 9~♥️

I'm trying to quicken up the pace a bit since I don't want it to stay in 1 world for too long.


Life is strange.

Tuesday, October 8.

7:00 PM.

Morty returned to his apartment, balancing a takeout bag filled with dinner. He had picked up some of Victoria's favorites, hoping to continue their evening on a good note. As he unlocked the door and stepped inside, he was greeted by an unexpected yet delightful sight.

Victoria was standing in the living room, wearing one of his shirts and nothing else, a bright smile on her face. The shirt was oversized on her, falling to mid-thigh, and she looked both casual and enticing. She also wore her panties but that was it.

"Hey there, stranger," she said with a playful glint in her eye as she walked over to him. Without waiting, she pulled him into a deep kiss, her hands resting on his shoulders.

Morty, slightly taken aback but not displeased, returned the kiss, wrapping one arm around her waist while still holding the takeout bag with the other.

"Well, this is a nice welcome," he said with a grin when they finally broke apart. Victoria laughed softly, leading him to the kitchen table.

"I thought I'd surprise you. And it looks like you brought dinner. Perfect timing."

They sat down to eat, the aroma of the food filling the room. As they started to dig in, Victoria's expression turned more thoughtful.

"So, I had an interesting chat with Cortana while you were out," she began. Morty looked up, curious.

"Oh? What did she say?"

"She told me a lot about you," Victoria said, her eyes searching his face.

"About who you really are. A dimensional traveler, a genius, and all those adventures you've been on. It's... a lot to take in." Morty nodded, his demeanor serious.

"I figured you'd find out sooner or later. It's not exactly something I can hide forever." Victoria leaned forward, her expression earnest.

"Why did you tell me this soon? I don't mind waiting until you know me more." Morty sighed, setting his fork down.

"Since you know I'm a genius, it's simple because I know a person simply by spending a couple of times with them. Now that you slept with me means you belong to me and even though I don't want to overwhelm you and trust that you can handle it."

Victoria reached out, taking his hand. "I get that. It's just... incredible. I mean, here I was thinking you were just this cool, mysterious guy. But you're so much more than that." Morty squeezed her hand gently.

"I'm still the same person you've been getting to know. Just with a bit more... baggage." She smiled, her eyes softening.

"I don't mind baggage, Morty. I just want to understand you better. And I want to be a part of your life, all of it." Morty felt a wave of gratitude and affection for her.

"I'm glad to hear that, Victoria. There's a lot to tell, and I want you to know everything. It's just... complicated." Victoria laughed lightly.

"When is life not complicated? But I'm here for it. For you."

They continued their dinner, the conversation flowing easily between them. Morty told her more about his travels, his family, and the various challenges he had faced. Victoria listened intently, her admiration for him growing with every story.

When they finished eating, they moved to the couch, Victoria snuggling close to Morty as they talked late into the night. Morty felt a deep sense of connection and relief. He had found someone who not only accepted his extraordinary life but wanted to be a part of it.

As they finally headed to bed, Victoria looked up at him with a smile.

"I'm really glad I met you, Morty." He kissed her forehead, pulling her close.

"I'm glad I met you too, Victoria." Morty said when Victoria moved and straddle on top of him with her heart raced with anticipation.

"I hope you don't mind if we have a little fun before we sleep?" Victoria's soothing voice entices him feeling that he was getting hard feeling the sudden urge to rub herself.

She slowly lifted his shirt over her head, revealing her bare breasts to him for the first time. Her nipples were hard and erect, begging for his touch.


He commented under his breath that made Victoria smile. Most of those she heard were "hot" and "sexy" but she wanted to hear more genuine and him calling her beautiful was making her even wetter. She wants to be praised by him.

He reached up and gently cupped one of her breasts in his hand, feeling its softness against his palm. Victoria moaned softly as he began to massage it gently, rolling the nipple between his fingers.

She leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips, their tongues dancing together in a sensual tango. Morty's hands wandered downwards along her back until they reached the waistband of her panties which she had left untouched so far - an invitation for him to take control even further if he dared…

Victoria broke the kiss and looked into Morty's eyes, her own filled with desire. She nodded once, giving him permission to continue.

Morty slowly slid his hands down her sides, feeling the softness of her skin against his fingertips. He reached the hem of her panties and paused for a moment before slipping them off in one smooth motion. Victoria gasped as she felt the cool air hit her most intimate parts for the first time since they had started making love earlier that afternoon

He groans as he feels Victoria's soft, warm body pressing against him. He smirks, knowing she's ready for him.

"You look so beautiful like this, Victoria. I can't wait to feel you wrapped around me."

Victoria's heart races as she looks up at Morty with adoration in her eyes. She nods eagerly.

"Yes, Morty... please take me."

"That's it... relax and let me take control." Without any further hesitation, Morty positioned himself at Victoria's entrance and slowly pushed inside of her wet folds - filling himself up completely within seconds due to their previous activities together earlier. He savored the feeling of his tight snatch wrapping around his dick.

"Mhmmaaah~♥️ I can't get enough how mind bogglingly big you are~!!" Victoria bit her lips trying not to lose herself and squirt upon entrances.

Victoria moaned loudly as Morty began to move inside of her, his thrusts deep and powerful. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer as she arched her back off the bed. Their bodies moved together in perfect sync, creating a rhythm that was both primal and erotic. Victoria moans softly as she feels Morty's hard cock enter her tight pussy.

"Oh, god... that feels so good. You're such a dominant lover, Morty. I love how you take control of me like this." Victoria said while Morty smirks as he starts to thrust into Victoria slowly.

"That's right, baby girl. You belong to me now. Just relax and enjoy the ride."

"Yes... please... more! I need your cock deep inside me!" She whimpered in pleasure while Morty increased his pace, pounding into Victoria with force.

"You want it rough? Is that what you want? Well, here it comes!" Victoria gasping for air and moaning loudly.

"Oh fuck yes! Yes!!! Please don't stop!! I love how you make me feel so submissive and helpless under your control!"

As they continued to make love, Victoria felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. She bit down on her lip hard enough for it to sting but not break the skin - a sign that she was close but not quite there yet…

Morty sensed this too; he increased his pace slightly while also reaching up underneath Victoria's chin with one hand gently guiding her head back down onto his shoulder so she could continue moaning out loud without fear or shame…

"...Morty, I want to hear you say it." She squirmed a bit while her hips undulating following the rhythm of Morty's thrust. Morty gently brushes her hair back.

"Say what, love?" He asked.

"That you love me. And... tell me why." She strangely likes it more when he's intimate with her instead of rough. Victoria didn't mind if he was assertive but something inside feels more aroused when he hears how much she appreciates her. Everything. Be it good or bad. Morty could feel her tighten when she requested this and understood her kink.

"I love you, Victoria. I love you more than words can say. Your photography... it amazes me. The way you capture the world, the way you see beauty in the smallest's incredible." He tenderly smile knowing how flustered her face

"You..mhmmaha~♥️ really think so?" Victoria had showed her work before and asked for his opinion where he gave some criticism that greatly improved her worm.

"Absolutely. And it's not just your photography. It's who you are. Even when you're being a bit naughty…" He lightly chuckled and Victoria pouted as she bit into his shoulder.

"But you still have this kindness, locked deep within."

"I feel insecure sometimes, like I'm not good enough." Victoria needed to be perfect and at the top if not then her parents would disown her. She was pressured that those better than her made her feel envious. Victoria wanted to admit their better but the pressure.

"You're more than enough, Victoria. Your flaws, your insecurities, they make you who you are. And who you are is the woman I love with all my heart."

Can he say those words that casually? Yes, he knows that it is what Victoria wanted to hear at that moment.

*Morty... I love you too. Thank you for loving all of me, even the parts I find hard to love." Victoria sweetly smiled.

"Always, my love. You are perfect to me. In every way." Then She leaned down and kissed him as they continued to aggressively look at their lips and move their hips, shaking their bed violently. Victoria wanted to satisfy him and repay everything he has done. She felt special. She felt free. She felt herself.

"Morty! Use me!! I'm yours!! Make me feel your love!! Tell me what you want and I'll do it!"

Victoria saw Morty in adoration and devotion losing to Morty's domination and with one final thrust from behind followed by an explosive release within seconds afterward - both partners cried out in unison before collapsing onto each other's sweaty bodies panting heavily from exertion yet still wanting more…

Victoria lay panting next to Morty, her heart racing from their recent encounter. As she caught her breath, she looked up at him with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, Morty... You're so dominant and commanding. I love it when you take control of me like this." Morty smirks down at Victoria, pleased by her response.

"That's right, my little sunshine. You belong to me now. And I want you to show your appreciation for my dominance by praising me endlessly." Victoria nods eagerly.

"Yes, Morty! Your every word is like music to me. Your commands are the only thing that bring meaning and purpose to my life. Please... tell me what else I can do for you?" She felt lost in pleasure that Victoria was engrossed into the roleplay. Morty chuckles softly.

"Well then... Why don't we start with some physical praise? Kneel before me and worship my cock with your mouth until it's completely satisfied."