Chapter 101 - Life is strange Epilogue~♥️

Life is strange.

Friday, October 11.

6:30 AM.

By the time the sun started to rise, they were all lying together, naked and sweating, the air thick with the scent of their lovemaking.

Morty, in the center, felt a deep sense of connection and responsibility. He looked at each of the girls, their faces soft in sleep, and felt an overwhelming wave of emotion. They had all trusted him with their hearts and bodies, and he vowed silently to protect and cherish each of them.

As the morning light filtered into the room, Morty gently disentangled himself then kissed them one by one before making his way to the kitchen. He started to prepare breakfast. He knew their relationships had changed forever, and he wanted to ensure that each of them felt valued and respected.

Soon, the smell of cooking roused the girls. Chloe was the first to wake, stretching languidly before wrapping a sheet around herself and wandering into the kitchen.

"Morning, chef," she said with a lazy smile.

"Morning," Morty replied, returning the smile.

"I hope you're hungry."

One by one, Max, Victoria, and Kate joined them, each wrapped in sheets or whatever clothes they could find. They sat around the table, sharing a meal in comfortable silence, their eyes occasionally meeting with smiles and blushes.

Kate, sipping her coffee, looked at Morty with a mixture of gratitude and affection.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"For everything." Morty reached across the table, squeezing her hand.

"Anytime, Kate. Anytime."

As they ate breakfast, the conversation turned to their plans for the day. Chloe, always the planner, suggested they spend the day together, maybe go for a drive or explore the town. Morty agreed, knowing that whatever they did, it would be a day to remember. Unfortunately, things have to end.

Soon after they finished their breakfast, Morty took a deep breath, preparing to share his plans with the group.

"I need to start a new adventure soon," he began, watching their faces carefully.

"But I'll keep in touch with all of you. And don't worry, I can return anytime. The way time works in other dimensions is different."

Max, Chloe, and Victoria exchanged glances, their expressions tinged with sadness. Kate, in particular, looked crestfallen.

"You're leaving?" she asked softly. Morty reached out to her, taking her hand in his.

"Only for a little while. And I'll always come back. Besides," he added with a smile.

"You have a big adventure of your own coming up. You've won the Everyday Hero photo contest, remember? I'll help you pack for your flight." Kate's eyes widened, the reminder of her victory bringing a reluctant smile to her face.

"I almost forgot about that," she admitted.

"Thank you, Morty." He squeezed her hand.

"It's a huge deal, Kate. You deserve it."

After breakfast, they all pitched in to clean up, the atmosphere a mix of anticipation and melancholy. Morty and Kate then went to her dorm room to help her pack for her trip to San Francisco. Max, Chloe, and Victoria stayed behind, each dealing with their task since they still had things to do.

As Morty and Kate worked on packing, Kate's nervousness became evident.

"I'm really going to miss you," she said, folding a sweater and placing it in her suitcase. Morty paused, looking at her with a gentle smile.

"I'll miss you too, Kate. But this is such an amazing opportunity for you. And I'll always be just a call away." Kate nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"You've changed my life, Morty. Thank you for everything." Morty hugged her, feeling the depth of her gratitude and affection.

"You've changed mine too, Kate. You're stronger than you think, and you're going to do great things."

They continued packing, chatting about the future and their plans. Morty shared stories of his past adventures, making Kate laugh and easing her anxiety. By the time they finished, Kate felt more confident and ready for her trip.

As they head out of Blackwell's where Kate's car to the airport with Kate's suitcase in hand, the group gathered for a final farewell. Morty hugged each of them, promising to return and stay in touch. Max, her eyes shining with certainty, said.

"We'll be here waiting for you, Morty. And maybe when you come back, we'll have some adventures of our own." Chloe grinned, punching him lightly on the arm.

"Yeah, you better come back soon, Sanchez. We've got a lot more to do." Victoria, more composed but no less sincere, added.

"I'll be here too, Morty. You've made me see things differently. Thank you." Kate, hugging him one last time, whispered.

"Take care, Morty. And remember, you always have a place here." Morty nodded, feeling the weight of their words and the strength of their bonds.

"I will. And you all take care of each other, too."

With that, he gave them a final wave and went to his car, ready to embark on his next adventure. Morty looked at his rear window as he began to drive away, the girls stood together, knowing that despite the distance, their connection with Morty would remain strong.

As Morty drove through the quiet streets, the sun beginning to set and casting a warm glow over Arcadia Bay, he reflected on the whirlwind of events that had transpired since his arrival.

"Let's see," he muttered to himself, gripping the steering wheel.

"Where do I even start?"

He thought back to his first day at the Vortex Club party, where he had stepped in to save Kate Marsh from a potentially life-altering situation. He remembered the fear in her eyes and the relief that had washed over her when he took her to safety. Kate had been nervous and vulnerable, but Morty had seen something strong and resilient in her.

"That night was a turning point," he said, glancing at the empty passenger seat.

"Saving Kate... I knew I had to do more."

Next, he recalled his unexpected romance with Victoria Chase. Meeting her at the party, their flirtatious banter, and the surprisingly deep connection they had formed. He smiled, thinking of how she had transformed from a 'mean girl' into someone who was kinder and more open. Victoria had become an unexpected romance and partner.

"Victoria," He murmured, shaking his head.

"Who would've thought?"

Then there was Max and Chloe. He remembered the moment he had first seen Max use her time-rewinding powers at the Two Whales Diner and how he had warned her about the dangers of manipulating time. Despite their initial shock and skepticism, Max and Chloe had come to trust him, and together, they had uncovered the dark secrets hidden in the town, including the sinister actions of Nathan Prescott and Mark Jefferson.

"Finding the dark room, rescuing Rachel Amber... that was an intense day for them," he continued, his eyes narrowing as he thought of the confrontation with Jefferson.

"But we did it. We brought them to justice."

The memory of Rachel, drugged and tied up, flashed through his mind. The relief and gratitude in Chloe's eyes when they had saved her was something he wouldn't forget. And then, the kiss from Chloe and Max—unexpected but welcome one.

"Chloe and Max," he sighed, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"They'll be alright."

His thoughts turned to the other important people he had met. Kate, who had blossomed into a more confident person and won the Everyday Hero photo contest. The moments they had shared, from breakfast to heartfelt conversations on the beach, had strengthened their bond. Morty felt a sense of pride knowing he had played a part in her success and happiness.

"Kate deserved that win," he said softly.

"She needed that boost."

As he drove on, Morty couldn't help but marvel at the changes he had witnessed in Arcadia Bay. The town had been a place of secrets and shadows, but now there was light and hope. His presence had made a difference, and he felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that his actions had brought about positive change.

"And now," he concluded, the corners of his mouth lifting in a determined smile.

"It's time for a new adventure. But Arcadia Bay... this place will always be special."

With that, Morty continued down the road, the past few days playing out in his mind like scenes from a movie. He had made a difference, formed lasting bonds, and left a mark on the lives of those he had met. And as he drove towards his next destination, he felt ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that his journey in Arcadia Bay had prepared him for anything.

"Now, it is the beginning of a new adventure."

As Morty drove through the interdimensional portal, contemplating his next destination, he couldn't help but smile at the vast array of worlds he had yet to explore. He mulled over the possibilities, each one more exciting and challenging than the last.

"Johnny Test," he mused.

"Getting Susan, Mary, female Johnny, and their mom would be quite the adventure. Not to mention the fun experiments and inventions."

"Then there's Aladdin," he continued, imagining the desert landscapes and the chance to meet Jasmine.

"Or maybe the world of Sleeping Beauty, with Maleficent and Aurora. That could be interesting."

"The alien and predator world would definitely be a challenge," he thought, a shiver running down his spine.

"The Alien Queen Mother and a Yautja woman... That would be a wild ride."

But as he considered each option, his thoughts kept drifting back to a world filled with adventure, challenges, and the chance to test his skills in a unique way.

"Pokemon," he said with a grin.

"Breeding Pokemon along with a few humans to test something sounds like the perfect mix of adventure and science."

Having made his decision, Morty set his course for his Megastructure, eager to spend time with his wives and children before embarking on his new journey. The thought of seeing them again filled him with warmth and anticipation.

As he neared the Megastructure, a sprawling complex that served as his home base, Morty felt a sense of pride and belonging. The structure was a marvel of engineering, filled with advanced technology and the comforts of home. It was a place where he could recharge, reflect, and plan his next move.

He parked his car and entered the Megastructure, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of his bustling home. His wives and children were there, each one unique and special in their own way.

"Morty!" called out Sil, running up to him with a smile.

"We missed you!"

"I missed you too," he replied, hugging her tightly.

"How's everyone been?"

"Busy as always," Sil said with a laugh. They're children would train, prepare themselves to be bred, or just relax.

"But it's good to have you back."

Morty spent the next few hours catching up with his family, sharing stories of his recent adventures and listening to theirs. He felt a sense of contentment, knowing that he had a place to call home and people who cared about him.

As the evening wore on, Morty gathered his wives and children for a family dinner. They sat around a large table, enjoying a feast of their favorite foods and talking about their plans for the future.

"What's next for you, Morty?" asked Jessica, one of his wives, as she passed him a plate of mashed potatoes.

"Well," he said, taking a bite and savoring the taste.

"I've decided to visit the world of Pokemon. I want to breed some Pokemon and maybe a few humans to test something."

"That sounds exciting." Eve said, another of his wives.

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I will." he promised, smiling at her.

"I'll always come back to you all."

After dinner, Morty spent some quality time with each of his family members, making sure they knew how much they meant to him. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for their love and support, and he wanted to cherish every moment with them before setting off on his next adventure.

As the night drew to a close, Morty retired to his room, feeling a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead. He knew that the world of Pokemon held endless possibilities, and he was eager to explore it and see what new experiences awaited him. With his mind made up and his heart filled with anticipation.

Soon after Sil, Eve, Laura and Cortana gathered around him in a seductive embrace inside his room. Their daughters and granddaughters soon joined them; each one more beautiful than the last.

Their eyes shone with lust as they gazed upon Morty's form. He felt himself growing hard beneath their touches as they began to undress him slowly yet eagerly. His cock sprang free from its confines, already throbbing with anticipation for what was to come next.

Sil gently took hold of his member while Eve kissed down his chest towards his stomach before stopping at his navel where she began teasing it with her tongue playfully while squeezing her breasts together invitingly above him causing droplets of precum to leak out onto her hand.

She then licked up greedily like a cat lapping up milk from a saucer on a warm summer day making sure not miss any drop before moving back up towards face where she continued kissing passionately until finally reaching lips locking them together in an intense lip-lock that left both breathless when finally breaking apart only briefly enough for Sil who had been teasing Morty's balls this whole time now took over by taking hold of both sides pulling them apart slightly exposing Morty's sensitive flesh just enough so that when she leaned forward placing soft kisses along side then downwards across inner thigh stopping just short at entrance.

Morty groan loudly signaling approval allowing entry which sent shockwaves through entire body as sensation unlike anything else coursed through veins making heart race faster than ever before combined effort between all involved made sure every inch was thoroughly explored leaving no stone unturned ensuring maximum pleasure derived possible throughout process culminating climax so powerful waves ripple outward spreading throughout entire room causing even those not directly participating feel effects powerfully reinforcing bonds between everyone present.