Chapter 104 - Pokémon 2

I don't know if this is good or not but hope you guys enjoy.

I will try to finish up the next chapter as soon as I can. For now, give me some suggestions.

Btw, here is the list of Pokémon going to be captured for the 1st Pokémon arc.

Gardevoir, Lopunny, Blaziken, Zoroark, Lucario, Salazzle, Hatterene, leavanny, lilligant, Roserade, Kirlia.

The first three and Hatterene is my personal pick. While the rest was suggested to me.

Anyway, enjoy. Toodaloo Bitches.


Morty activated the Primatrix, its green and red lights swirling as he selected a transformation. Unfazed by the looming threat before him since he was prepared for all the outcome.

"Let's see about that." he said, slamming his hand down on the device. In an instant, Morty transformed into Way Big, an enormous alien with colossal strength. His size rivaled that of the legendary Pokémon. Arceus's expression remained serene but eager.

"Very well. If you will not leave willingly, we shall force you."

The battle erupted with unimaginable ferocity. Way Big Morty launched a barrage of energy blasts, tearing through the sky. Palkia warped space around the attacks, redirecting them harmlessly into the void. Dialga countered with temporal waves, attempting to age Morty's form into dust. Giratina opened rifts to the Distortion World, pulling at Morty with dark, chaotic energies.

Morty shifted forms rapidly, adapting to each new threat. He became Chromastone, absorbing Dialga's temporal waves and redirecting them as powerful energy beams.

As Echo Echo, he multiplied, overwhelming Giratina's distortions with sheer numbers. Finally, as Ultimate Humungousaur, he matched Palkia's spatial manipulations with raw, unstoppable force.

But the combined might of the four legendary Pokémon was formidable. Arceus unleashed Judgment, a torrent of divine energy that forced Morty back. He gritted his teeth, cycling through his forms, each one countered by the legendary quartet.

The battle was exhilarating to Morty who hadn't been able to find an opportunity to enjoy himself in a battle where he felt he was not in control. Their clash lay waste upon the land having been destroyed and turned them into ruins killing some Pokémon in the process.

"Hahahah this is fun!" Morty roared, activating the fusion function having transformed into Heatblast and Waybig blasting the Pokémon thag burned through their attacks except Giratina who was able to counter it.

The world seems to shake violently from the instant battle happening but fortunately Arceus with the help of Palkia trapped them into a separate space that avoided harming the outside world.

Morty then transformed into a different alien, a unique alien that he called devastator who appeared like an armadillo and slammed his fist against Dialga that shook the space around them then the drill like on his elbow pushed and sent the Pokémon flying into the air.

"Oh no you don't!"

He shifted his body to avoid an attack and grabbed Palkia who tried to get close before slamming him against Giratina who appeared in his blindspot.

He then transformed into four armed aliens that had long tailed with armored carapace that seemed to be made of ice that he called Ice Age. Morty roared at them forming a blast of energy in his mouth before sending absolute zero temperature that robbed of any energy.

"Is that all you got! Come and entertain me once more!" Morty roared in delight, tossing the mythical alien aside and the quartet took a moment to recover from their battle, staring down at Morty.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of cataclysmic. Dialga unleashed beams of temporal energy, attempting to freeze Morty in time.

Palkia warped the very fabric of space, creating rifts and anomalies to trap him. Giratina summoned shadows and twisted dimensions, aiming to ensnare Morty in the Distortion World. Arceus, wielding the power of creation itself, unleashed devastating blasts of energy.

But Morty was relentless. He switched forms rapidly, adapting to each attack with ease. He countered Dialga's temporal beams with accelerated time of his own, dodged Palkia's spatial rifts by phasing through dimensions, and resisted Giratina's shadows with light-based attacks. He was untouchable, unstoppable. The Primatrix was adapting and changing into aliens best suited in the situation.

Dialga's eyes glowed with a fierce blue light as it unleashed a roar that distorted time. Morty felt the temporal energy wash over him, attempting to freeze him in place. But with a roar of his own, Morty transformed into Clockwork, a time-manipulating alien. He countered Dialga's attack, nullifying the time distortion and sending a wave of temporal energy back at the guardian of time.

Palkia snarled, the air around it shimmering as it bent space to its will. Morty saw the fabric of reality twist and warp, creating portals and anomalies to trap him. With a thought of the Primatrix, he transformed into Big Chill, a ghostly alien capable of phasing through solid objects. He slipped through the spatial rifts effortlessly, reappearing behind Palkia and delivering a freezing blast that caused the mighty dragon to recoil in pain.

Giratina, enraged by the sight of its brethren struggling, summoned dark shadows and twisted dimensions, aiming to ensnare Morty in the Distortion World. Morty responded by transforming into Ultimate Ghostfreak, a phantom-like alien immune to physical and dark attacks. He weaved through the shadowy tendrils and retaliated with beams of spectral energy, forcing Giratina to retreat momentarily.

Arceus, observing the battle, decided to take matters into its own hands. It unleashed a radiant blast of divine energy that tore through the battlefield. Morty, sensing the overwhelming power, switched to Diamondhead, an alien with a body made of near-indestructible crystal. The divine blast shattered upon impact, but Morty remained unscathed, deflecting the shards back at Arceus.

He once again changed and transformed into Ultimate Humungousaur. His massive form towered over the clearing, muscles bulging with immense strength. He roared, the sound echoing through the forest.

Arceus was the first to strike, unleashing a barrage of energy beams from its multicolored plates. Morty, in his Ultimate Humungousaur form, braced himself and deflected the beams with his thick, armored arms. The ground around him sizzled and smoked from the impact.

Dialga and Palkia charged forward, their powers of time and space intertwining to create a devastating assault. Dialga's roar sent ripples through time, causing the trees around them to age and decay, while Palkia's spatial rend distorted the very fabric of reality, creating rifts in the air.

Morty, sensing the danger, switched forms with a quick twist of the Primatrix dial. He transformed into his own version of Ultimate Echo Echo, multiplying himself into dozens of clones. Each clone emitted powerful sonic waves, disrupting Dialga's temporal attacks and Palkia's spatial distortions. The air vibrated with the intensity of the sound, creating a protective barrier around Morty.

Giratina, seeing an opportunity, emerged from the shadows and attacked with its ghostly claws. Morty quickly switched to a new form, transforming into NRG. Encased in his indestructible suit, he absorbed Giratina's ghostly energy, converting it into raw power. He unleashed a torrent of nuclear energy at the spectral dragon, forcing it to retreat momentarily.

Morty knew he needed to change tactics. The Primatrix glowed as he activated the fusion function. He combined the powers of Ultimate Big Chill and Ultimate Swampfire, transforming into a new hybrid form. His icy flames created a freezing inferno, enveloping the legendary Pokémon in a whirlwind of frost and fire.

Arceus roared in defiance, its golden light breaking through the icy flames. Morty, in his hybrid form, concentrated, drawing on the combined strengths of his aliens. He unleashed a devastating attack, a fusion of elemental forces that collided with Arceus's divine energy where a massive explosion enveloped the place but Morty was not done neither the mythical Pokémons.

The battle raged on, each side refusing to yield. Morty's transformations became faster and more strategic. He became Heatblast to unleash torrents of fire, Swampfire to control plant life and regenerate, Rath to deliver ferocious physical blows, and Way Big to match the colossal size of his opponents.

Afterwards, he merges two aliens into one form. Morty became a towering titan with the strength and resilience of Ultimate Humungousaur and the size and power of Way Big. He unleashed a barrage of attacks, fists and energy beams combining to create a devastating onslaught.. The clash created shockwaves that rippled through the forest, sending Pokémon fleeing in every direction.

Giratina, lurking in the shadows, seized the opportunity and attacked with shadowy tendrils. Morty, anticipating this, switched forms again, this time opting for ultimate Chromastone, a crystal-based alien with energy-absorbing capabilities.

The shadowy tendrils struck Ultimate Chromastone, who absorbed the dark energy and redirected it back at Giratina in a dazzling burst of light. Giratina roared in pain, its form flickering.

Morty accessed the fusion function, selecting Ultimate Chromastone and Ultimate Rath. Instantly, his body morphed into a fusion of crystal and muscle—a powerful and agile form with energy-absorbing capabilities.

The fusion alien roared, leaping into the fray. He moved with lightning speed, dodging attacks from all four legendary Pokémon while countering with crystal-enhanced strikes. Each punch and kick sent shockwaves through the forest, the sheer force of his attacks overwhelming his opponents.

"Enough! This has gone long enough!"

Arceus, realizing the threat, attempted to summon its full power. But Morty was faster. He used the Nemetrix function, which allowed him to temporarily mimic the abilities of the most dangerous predators of his enemies. He transformed into a predator perfectly adapted to counter Arceus, a form that nullified divine powers. But it was not enough and decided to use his best and most powerful alien to counter the incoming attack.

The legendary Pokémon retaliated with their combined might. Arceus summoned another Judgment, Dialga and Palkia synchronized their spatial and temporal attacks, and Giratina's shadowy tendrils wrapped around Morty, attempting to pull him into the Distortion World.

"Not today!" Morty growled.

"Time to use Alien X!"

But the guardians were relentless. Dialga and Palkia synchronized their attacks, combining time and space manipulation to create devastating effects. Morty countered with Alien X, the reality-bending alien, reshaping the battlefield to his advantage. Giratina's antimatter attacks were met with Gravattack's control over gravity, and Arceus's divine wrath was countered by Atomix's nuclear power.

Finally, Morty activated the ultimate function of the Primatrix, combining the powers of his transformations into one devastating attack.

[ Ultimate Alien X/Alien Ω ]

Morty turned into his strongest form appearing as a truly cosmic deity that was able to contend against the God of Pokémon joined by his creation who embodies Space, time and Destruction. The foundation of countless reality shook upon the birth of an entity that superseded concepts!

A blinding flash of energy erupted from him, striking the four legendary Pokémon simultaneously.

When the light faded, Entire forest turned into an entire separate space having completely devastated the land and the once-mighty guardians lay defeated, their forms shimmering and shifting.

Morty approached the fallen deities reverting back into his human form then took out his Morphdex with a sinister light.

He activated its transformation function, and before his eyes, Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina morphed into female humanoid versions of themselves, each retaining their majestic and awe-inspiring presence, but now with a human-like form and appearance.

Arceus, now appeared to like her Pokémon-self but had a curvaceous human body with busty chest and childbearing hips, glared at Morty with a mix of fury and disbelief.

[ Image Here if it's not shadowbanned ]

"You... you dare..." Morty grinned, his confidence unbroken.

"I dare. And now, you belong to me."

Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, each transformed into strikingly beautiful humanoid women, looked at Morty with a mixture of confusion and defiance.

"What do you intend to do with us?" Dialga demanded, her voice tinged with anger and fear. Morty's sinister smile widened.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to breed you."

Before the legendary Pokémon could react, the surrounding landscape reverted back to its original, serene state. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, a stark contrast to the battle that had just taken place. The tension in the air was palpable as Morty approached the now-humanoid Pokémon.

Morty's eyes glinted with a dark hunger as he reached out, his hands tracing the contours of Arceus's new form. She shivered under his touch, her defiance melting into an unwilling submission.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he whispered, his voice dripping with anticipation. He reached out, touching Arceus's cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin.

"And so will you, eventually." He turned his attention to Palkia next, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and curiosity.

"And you," he said, his hands roaming over her body.

"Will know pleasure beyond your wildest dreams."