Chapter 114 - Pokémon 12~♥️

Sorry if I'm slowing down my updates, I'm currently burned out and don't know what to write. Not to mention this fic keeps me being horny and I want to take some time off a bit.

I'll try my best to continue and provide great chapters.

Anyway, enjoy, toodaloo Bitches.


Time passed by and his new Pokémon were getting used to their new environment having a comfortable place to stay and meals to have. They also provided enough mating sessions that they couldn't move anymore. Braixen and Delphox were certainly surprised when they met with the Pokémon God's but didn't think much of it and easily got used to the shenanigans that Morty has.

Morty at this moment had been relaxing and enjoying his new Pokémon while gathering data on the situation of their pregnancy, finding that they take 2 weeks to form an egg and give birth then another week for incubation.

It's strange that a mammal like Braixen and Delphox would lay eggs while Arceus, Giratina, Palkia and Dialga never laid eggs before since they were created through Arceus's ability.

"Braixen! Braixen! ("AHHN~♥️!! Don't stop, Darling~♥️!") Morty gazed at the adorable, pregnant fox girl with awe and lust. Her petite frame was swollen with their soon-to-be offspring, her belly protruding like a ripe fruit ready to burst. As he watched her breasts grow larger and leak milk, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming desire to taste it.

Without hesitation, Morty leaned in and began suckling on one of her engorged nipples while gently fondling the other. The sweet nectar flowed freely into his mouth as he savored the unique flavor of his partner's breast milk.

The fox girl moaned softly in pleasure at his touch, arching her back slightly as she allowed him to take what he wanted from her body. He caressed her swollen belly and nursed from her overflowing teats.

Her eyes were closed tightly, lost in the pleasure that washed over her body like waves crashing against a shore. She could feel every movement of his lips on her nipple and every stroke of his fingers across her swollen belly.

As Morty reached his climax, he spurted his seed forcefully into the fox girl's womb. The warmth of his release mixed with her own fluids, creating a unique cocktail that would nourish their unborn child.

The fox girl let out a loud moan as she felt him fill her up with his essence. It was an intense and primal experience that left her breathless and yearning for more. As she recovered from the pleasure, she looked down at her swollen belly and smiled contentedly at the life growing inside of it.

Morty pulled out of the fox girl's womb, his throbbing cock still hard and ready for more. Braixen looked up at him with lust-filled eyes, her mouth watering as she watched the semen drip from his shaft. Without hesitation, she leaned in and began to suck on him greedily, smearing the sticky substance across her face as she went deeper down on his cock.

Delphox watched this display with a mix of amusement and arousal. He couldn't help but feel proud of their daughter for taking after them so well - especially when he saw her dip her head into Braixen's pussy to drink up every last drop of semen that had been released during their intimate moment together.

As Morty felt himself approaching another climax, he grabbed hold of Braixen's hair tightly and thrust deeper into her mouth while Delphox continued to feast on her daughter's juices below.

"Don't drink it and share it with your mother."Morty let out a loud groan as he released his seed deep into Braixen's throat, feeling her squirm beneath him in both pleasure and pain. As he pulled out of her mouth, leaving a trail of sticky semen behind, she could only watch helplessly as Delphox moved in to taste the remains on her lips.

Despite the discomfort from having their mate's seed stored inside her mouth, Braixen couldn't help but feel proud of herself for pleasing them so well. She watched with lust-filled eyes as Delphox began to make out passionately with her.

"Good keep that up." Morty's words only seemed to fuel Delphox's desire as she leaned in closer, her tongue dancing around her daughter's lips before they finally parted and allowed entry. The taste of their mate's seed mixed with the sweetness of their daughter's mouth sent shivers down both females' spines, heightening the intensity of their passionate kiss.

"Don't forget about us." Morty couldn't help but smile as he felt Arceus's soft lips against his own, her tongue dancing playfully with his own. The scent of her pregnancy was intoxicating, driving him even deeper into the moment.

As they continued to kiss passionately, Morty reached down and began caressing Arceus's swollen belly gently. Arceus moaned softly into the kiss, her hands moving up to grasp Morty's hair tightly as she deepened their embrace even further.

Morty pulled back from the kiss, his eyes filled with lust and desire for Arceus. She looked up at him with a mix of love and need, her body trembling slightly as she anticipated what was to come next. Without hesitation, Morty reached down and gently guided his hard cock towards Arceus's swollen pussy lips.

He could feel the heat emanating from her core as he pressed against her entrance, teasingly rubbing himself against her sensitive flesh before finally pushing forward into her tight channel. Arceus let out a loud moan as she felt Morty's cock filling her up once again.

After a while, Morty stood up from the bed, his body covered in a sheen of sweat. He glanced around at the exhausted creatures who lay sprawled across the room, their pussies and asses filled with his seed and their bodies covered in a sticky layer of sweat and cum.

Palkia was still conscious enough to ask where he was going, her voice hoarse from screaming during their passionate encounter earlier.

Morty smiled down at her before responding that he needed to capture another Pokémon for breeding purposes. Without another word, Morty left the room in search of his next conquest.

'Was I always been this sexual deviant?' Morty muttered thinking how much he was craving a woman to breed with than his past life. Not that he can recall everything when it is still fuzzy.

He stride through the forest hearing the sound of explosion and rush towards the source and pleasantly surprised to find the Pokémon that was in the list.

"Blaziken? Blaziken? Blaziken? Blaziken! Blaziken! ("What is this? A human?)" Morty observed a large, bipedal, humanoid bird-like or a humanoid chicken-like Pokémon that resembles a rooster. Its face, lower body, arms, and tail are bright red, with some yellow patches on its chest, and running down its legs and feet.

It has a tan-colored plume of feathers surrounding its face and chest, like a mane. Two long, tan feathery plumes stem from the back of Blaziken's head. It has blue eyes with yellow sclera.

Its mouth is beak-like and hooked, with small nostrils, and it has a V-shaped crest on its forehead. Its arms are long, with sharp, gray claws. It has gray claws at the bases of its yellow-feathered feet. It has a small, pointed red tail.

"That I am." Morty said, giving a calm smile slightly surprising Blaziken.

"Blaziken ("Interesting, you can understand me?")" She said and Morty nodded.

"Blaziken? Blaziken! Blaziken! (if that is the case then are you here to capture me? If that is your intent then show me what you got! If you defeat me then I'll follow you!")" She was a feisty Pokémon that made him perfect where he smiled and became wider.

"That makes things easier but how about this, if I defeat you, I'll mate and breed you?" His words certainly surprised Blaziken and saw her blush for reason.

"Blaziken. ("What a strange request but fine. Fight me!")" She took a stance and rushed towards Morty who took out his trusty Omniwrench and began to fight her, blocking her fist with the shaft of his weapon.

"Aren't you eager?" Morty said pulling down his weapon caused her to strip then receive a kick from him but was cross blocked by Blaziken flinging her in the air as she flipped back and landed on her feet while Morty tapped his weapon over his shoulder.

"Hope you have the same enthusiasm—" Morty saw her vanish from her spot and reappearing him ready to kick the back of his head only for morty to shift his body and swung his Omniwrench pushing her back.

"When I breed with you." Morty watched as Blaziken, undeterred and fiercely determined, charged up a blazing fire attack in her fist. She lunged at him with blinding speed. Morty braced himself, his Omniwrench at the ready.

Blaziken's fiery fist swung towards Morty's head, but he ducked just in time, countering with a swift strike of his own. Their blows collided, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield. Blaziken spun around, launching a series of rapid kicks enveloped in flames, but Morty parried each one with precision, his Omniwrench absorbing and dissipating the heat.

Blaziken roared, unleashing a barrage of fiery punches. Morty deflected them with a flurry of well-timed movements, his eyes locked onto Blaziken's every move. Suddenly, Blaziken feinted left and then struck from the right, a move meant to catch Morty off guard. But he anticipated her trick, sidestepping and delivering a powerful blow to her midsection, sending her skidding back.

Undeterred, Blaziken ignited the ground beneath her, creating a circle of fire. She dashed through the flames, emerging with an even more intense attack. Morty swung his Omniwrench in a wide arc, creating a protective barrier that neutralized the incoming fire.

Their clash echoed through the forest, a whirlwind of ferocity and skill. Blaziken's excitement grew with every passing second, her fiery spirit ignited by the challenge of facing such a formidable opponent. Morty, on the other hand, seemed to be toying with her, his movements fluid and effortless, showing no signs of exhaustion or fear.

With a fierce cry, Blaziken charged up a blazing fireball in her mouth and launched it towards Morty. The intense heat radiated through the air, but Morty remained unfazed. In a swift motion, he split the fireball in half with his Omniwrench, the flames dispersing harmlessly around him.

Blaziken leaped into the air, her legs glowing with a fiery aura as she aimed a powerful Blaze Kick at Morty's head. He ducked just in time, countering with a swift strike from his wrench that Blaziken barely managed to block. The force of the impact sent her skidding backwards, but she regained her balance almost immediately, her eyes burning with determination.

Morty didn't let up. He closed the distance in an instant, swinging his Omniwrench with precision. Blaziken parried with her fiery fists, each collision sending sparks flying. She attempted a quick counterattack, but Morty anticipated her move, sidestepping and delivering a spinning kick that connected with her side, forcing her to stagger.

Ignoring the pain, Blaziken retaliated with a barrage of Fire Punches, each one more ferocious than the last. Morty danced around her attacks, his agility and reflexes almost supernatural. He saw an opening and struck with a devastating uppercut, knocking Blaziken off her feet.

Undeterred, Blaziken flipped mid-air and landed gracefully. She focused her energy, her entire body enveloped in flames. With a fierce battle cry, she unleashed a blazing inferno, the intense heat scorching the forest floor. Morty shielded himself with his wrench, the metal glowing red from the heat, but he stood his ground.

As the flames died down, the two combatants stood facing each other, both breathing heavily but neither willing to back down. The forest around them bore the scars of their fierce battle, but the fight was far from over. Blaziken's resolve burned brighter than ever, and Morty's eyes glinted with excitement.

Blaziken lunged forward with fiery determination, aiming a blazing kick at Morty. However, Morty was a blur of speed, effortlessly sidestepping the attack. With a swift and fluid motion, he reappeared beside Blaziken, his Omniwrench poised against her neck, demonstrating his dominance in the battle.

Blaziken didn't back down. She pivoted, unleashing a rapid flurry of punches and kicks, each strike imbued with searing heat. Morty danced around her attacks with astonishing agility, his every movement a calculated evasion. He retaliated with a precise strike of his Omniwrench, which Blaziken narrowly blocked with her forearm, the force reverberating through her body.

Realizing she needed to up her game, Blaziken summoned her inner strength, her fists igniting into roaring flames. She launched a ferocious Blaze Kick aimed at Morty's midsection. Morty countered with a deft spin, using the momentum to bring the Omniwrench crashing down towards Blaziken's head. She ducked just in time, the wrench whistling past her ear.

With a roar, Blaziken gathered her energy and unleashed a powerful Fire Blast. The intense heat and force of the attack scorched the battlefield, but Morty was already in motion. He leapt into the air, evading the fiery onslaught, and landed behind Blaziken. Before she could react, Morty pressed the Omniwrench against her neck once more, his grip unyielding.

"You're fast," Morty said, a hint of admiration in his voice,

"But not fast enough." Blaziken tensed, knowing the battle was over. Despite her relentless effort and fiery spirit, Morty's speed and skill had proven too much. She conceded, bowing her head slightly in acknowledgment of his victory.