Chapter 123 - 2 Weeks and 2 days

I'll be honest, I don't know which direction I should take this fic but I'll try my best to provide it.

Once again, after Evil Morty stuff then I'll do Inside Job then Big Hero Six afterwards Either Johnny Test or Stellar Blade.

Anyway, enjoy the double chapter. Toodaloo bitches.


Rick and Morty Multiverse

2 weeks and a 2 Day upon arrival (Normal time Axis)

4 PM, Tuesday

Morty leaned back in the plush seat of his Koenigsegg Gemera, the engine's hum fading as he pulled into the driveway of his newly acquired mansion. A long adventure of sex and adventure was tiring.

Morty spent roughly a day or two with Lana and her Mother spending time with them rather than just breeding them. He took care of them and gave them some communication if they ever needed him or help in regards to the baby they were carrying.

He had made sure they were well taken care of, offering communication if they ever required help, especially with the pregnancies.

Now, as he exited the car, his thoughts drifted away from the chaos of the past few days and into the present. The luxury mansion was empty, his mom and sister were out, and the only companion greeting him was Zed, his unusual pet he had pulled from a cross-dimensional adventure in the Ben 10 omniverse.

Zed wagged her tail excitedly as he approached. Her strange, sleek form was a mix of alien biology and advanced technology, a perfect pet for Morty's ever-evolving life.

"Hey girl, miss me? Here," Morty said, conjuring a treat from thin air with a flick of his hand. Zed snatched it happily, and Morty patted her head.

With nothing urgent on his mind, Morty made his way inside, walking through the halls that were still unfamiliar but gradually becoming home.

Before heading to his workshop, he pulled out his phone. A habit now, he opened the group chat he had created for his family. It was a simple way to stay connected amid the craziness of their lives, a reminder that even with all the dimension-hopping and universe-altering power, family was still important.

Morty: Hey, Mom, Summer, Rick, I'm at my villa. Is there anything you'd like for dinner?

A moment later, replies started rolling in.

Summer: I don't know, anything meat would be great.

Beth: Can you add a salad to the dish?

Rick: Anything, as long as it's not Jerry's pathetic attempt at cooking.

Morty: Okay, what time will you be here?

Summer: I'm shopping with Tricia and Nancy. I'll be there at 7 PM. And I wouldn't mind getting a piece of your meat...

Beth: Just wrapping up at work. Same, I should be there at 7.

Rick: Just let me know when it's ready. I'm still tripping balls from whatever this drug is...

Morty chuckled. Typical Rick. His grandpa was always lost in some drug-fueled escapade or existential crisis.

Morty: Alright, see you all soon.

With a sigh, Morty glanced at the time. It was still early, too soon to start cooking. So, instead, he let his mind wander to his workshop. He simply willed himself to be there, manipulating space like it was second nature. One moment he was in his mansion, the next, he was in his workshop—a sprawling megastructure in a pocket dimension that only he had access to.

The workshop was a marvel of engineering, filled with everything Morty needed to create, invent, and explore the limits of science and technology. His latest project? Perfecting the VR devices and games for the company he had started working with. The project was ambitious, but Morty thrived on ambition.

Cortana was waiting for him as always, her sleek body as lifelike as any person, yet entirely artificial. She had been invaluable to his work, and today was no different.

"Good evening, Morty," Cortana greeted him, her voice smooth and calculated, yet somehow comforting.

"I've run diagnostics on the current VR models. We'll need to adjust the interface for better neural synchronization. I've already prepped the schematics."

"Thanks, Cortana," Morty said, stepping toward the workstation. Holographic blueprints of the VR devices materialized in front of him, detailed and intricate.

He began modifying the design, adding more features—haptic feedback improvements, enhanced reality syncing, and new game mechanics that would revolutionize how people experienced virtual worlds.

As Morty worked, he felt the familiar rush of creation flow through him. It was moments like these that made him forget the madness of the multiverse, the relentless stream of adventures, and the burdens of being Morty. Here, in his workshop, he was just a creator, an inventor, pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

Time passed quickly, and before long, the sun was setting in the world outside his dimension. He paused, checking his phone. It was almost time to head back and prepare dinner. With a wave of his hand, the schematics saved themselves, and he nodded to Cortana.

"Let's wrap this up for now. I've got family coming over."

Cortana nodded, her digital form shimmering.

"Of course, Morty. I'll have the project ready for tomorrow's updates."

Morty gave a satisfied grin before teleporting back to his mansion.

He saw that it was now 5 PM, and Morty decided it was time to start cooking. He intended to make something special for his family, a meal that would not only satisfy their hunger but also bring them together. It wasn't often they all sat down for a peaceful meal, so when they did, Morty made sure it was memorable.

"Cortana, let's get started," he said with a grin, rolling up his sleeves as he headed into the kitchen.

"Of course," Cortana replied, seamlessly shifting from her technical assistant mode to a more casual, playful attitude. In moments like these, she often mimicked human behavior, making things more fun. As Morty chopped vegetables and prepared the meat, Cortana moved about the kitchen, fetching ingredients, preheating the oven, and even setting the table.

For a moment, they pretended like they were just a normal couple preparing dinner together. Morty would catch Cortana smiling every now and then, a soft and subtle gesture that made the work feel less like a task and more like an experience.

"Morty, are you sure you want to put that much seasoning on the steak?" Cortana teased.

"Trust me, it's going to be perfect," Morty shot back with a smirk, flipping the steaks in the pan, letting the rich aroma fill the kitchen. Between the sizzling meat, the carefully dressed salad, and the perfectly toasted bread, the meal was shaping up to be something spectacular.

As they worked side by side, Morty couldn't help but feel at ease. It was one of those rare quiet moments amidst the chaos of their world, where everything felt simple, even if it wasn't.

By the time Summer and Beth arrived home, Morty and Cortana had finished cooking. The dining table was set, the food neatly arranged, and the warm glow of the chandelier above added a cozy atmosphere to the room. Morty and Cortana greeted them at the door.

"Hey! Just in time!" Morty said, grinning as he wiped his hands on a towel.

"Dinner's ready." Summer took a deep breath, savoring the aroma.

"Wow, smells amazing, Morty. You really went all out this time." Beth walked in behind Summer, her eyes scanning the table.

"This looks fantastic! I see you remembered the salad," she teased, giving Morty a playful nudge.

Morty chuckled.

"Of course. Couldn't forget about that."

"Morty, you're the best," Summer said, giving him a quick hug before heading to the table.

With his mom and sister settled, Morty pulled out his phone and sent a message to Rick.

Morty: Hey Rick, dinner's done. Come and get it before Summer eats it all.

It didn't take long for Rick to stumble in, clearly still feeling the aftereffects of whatever substance he had indulged in earlier. His hair was a mess, and his eyes were bloodshot, but he grinned when he saw the spread on the table.

"Ah, smells like something worth staying sober for... almost," Rick muttered, plopping down into a chair. He glanced at Cortana and then at Morty.

"Looks like you two had fun playing house." Morty just shrugged, smirking.

"We make a good team."

Rick leaned back, eyeing the steak on his plate.

"Well, let's eat then. I don't care if you're playing house or fighting aliens, just as long as the food's good."

They all dug in, the sounds of laughter and casual conversation filling the room. It was one of those rare moments where the chaos of their lives melted away, replaced by the comfort of family and good food. Morty glanced around the table, feeling something he rarely allowed himself to feel: contentment. For now, the multiverse could wait.

After everyone finished eating, the satisfied smiles on their faces were proof that Morty's efforts in the kitchen had paid off. Rick let out a lazy burp before wandering off to his lab, no doubt planning his next chaotic experiment.

Summer and Beth thanked Morty again before heading to their rooms, leaving Morty alone in the dining room with Cortana by his side. The quiet after a family dinner was always strange, but it gave him time to focus.

He grabbed his tablet, leaning back in his chair as he skimmed through the status of his company. It was growing fast. The building he had purchased to expand operations was almost ready, and his investors had been a huge help in running the business side of things. Morty never expected to dive into the corporate world, but it had become a necessity to fund his projects and inventions.

Cortana hovered nearby, always ready to assist.

"The expansion is moving along nicely," she noted, scanning the financial reports.

"Your investors seem pleased with the progress. The business and distribution aspects are being handled efficiently."

"Yeah," Morty said, nodding as he flipped through the latest updates on the new facility.

"I'm just glad I don't have to handle that side of things. I'd rather focus on creating."

He scrolled through messages from his investors, noting their excitement about the new VR devices he was working on. The building was set to become a hub for innovation, a place where he could develop his tech while the company took care of the marketing and distribution.

He had learned early on that delegation was key. Morty could build anything, but running the day-to-day operations of a business wasn't where his heart was. Fortunately, his investors were not only interested in his inventions but also highly skilled in business management.

The company had started small, a modest idea born out of necessity, but now it was evolving into something bigger. Morty's reputation as an inventor had skyrocketed, drawing attention from other industries. He had already secured contracts with several tech giants, and the VR devices were just the beginning.

"Expansion of the new facility will be completed ahead of schedule," Cortana said, analyzing the latest construction reports.

"Shall I prepare for the next phase of development?"

Morty smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Yeah, let's move forward with it. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can start working on the more advanced projects."

As he sat there, Morty realized how far he had come. From wild adventures across dimensions to building a thriving tech empire, his life had taken so many unexpected turns. But for now, he was content juggling his corporate responsibilities and his endless thirst for invention.

As he closed his tablet, Morty allowed himself a rare moment of satisfaction.

"Let's call it a night," he said, standing up from the table. Cortana gave him a nod, and together they headed for his room, leaving the quiet mansion behind them.

Before heading to bed, Morty decided to tie up one last loose end. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message to Noelle, the assistant assigned to him by his investors. Noelle had been an incredible help in managing the finer details of the business, and tonight was no different. Morty attached the files summarizing his recent progress on the VR devices, along with a note about needing game testers soon to finalize the updates based on user feedback.

A few moments later, Noelle's reply popped up on his screen.

Noelle: Got the files, Morty. I'll coordinate with the team and start recruiting testers for the next phase. You should visit the office and showcase the update to the investors in person. They'll want to see the progress firsthand.

Morty smiled, appreciating Noelle's efficiency. He typed back quickly.

Morty: Sounds good. I'll stop by on Friday after lunch to demo the update. Let's plan to have everything ready by then.

Noelle: Perfect. I'll set up the meeting and keep you updated.

With that, Morty let out a long breath and closed his phone, feeling like the day had been productive. Between family, cooking, business expansion, and the ongoing development of his projects, he was juggling a lot. But with Noelle and his investors handling the business side, he could focus on what he did best: creating.

Now that everything was settled, Morty finally felt ready to call it a night. He headed up to his room, thoughts of the upcoming demo swirling in his mind, but for now, he allowed himself the luxury of rest. Tomorrow would bring more work, but tonight, he could drift into sleep.