Chapter 127 - Ricksy Business

Feel free to tell me if I made any error and mistake that I might have done.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter, Toodaloo Bitches.


Rick and Morty Multiverse

2 weeks and a 6 Day upon arrival (Normal time Axis)

7 AM, Saturday.

After their intimate night together, Morty woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the hotel room's curtains. He blinked a few times, slowly realizing he was lying naked in bed, with Noelle peacefully asleep beside him. A sense of calm washed over him as he observed her, her features softened in sleep, looking content.

Moments later, Noelle stirred and opened her eyes, meeting Morty's gaze with a sleepy smile. She leaned in, kissing him gently before pulling back.

"Morning, genius," she greeted with a playful tone.

"Morning," Morty replied, his voice still groggy but amused. He returned her smile, feeling a sense of warmth from the easy intimacy between them.

They both sat up, sharing a moment of quiet together before realizing the day was starting. Noelle stretched and gave a small laugh.

"Well, that was... quite the night." Morty smirked.

"Yeah, definitely didn't half-ass it, right?"

Noelle chuckled, shaking her head.

"You really don't do anything halfway, do you?"

With that, they both got out of bed and began to gather their clothes, the morning routine surprisingly relaxed given the night they had shared. Once dressed, Morty and Noelle exchanged a few more light-hearted remarks as they made their way out of the hotel.

Before heading back, they stopped by a nearby café to grab a quick breakfast—coffee, croissants, and easy conversation flowing between them.

Noelle seemed a bit more relaxed, and Morty enjoyed seeing this lighter side of her. They ate quickly, but the moment felt casual and comfortable, like two people who had known each other far longer than just colleagues.

After breakfast, Morty drove Noelle home. As they pulled up to her house, Noelle glanced at him with a warm smile.

"Thanks for everything, Morty. Last night was... unexpected, but I'm glad we did this."

Morty smiled back.

"Yeah, me too. It was a good night."

Noelle leaned over, giving him one last soft kiss before stepping out of the car. She waved as she made her way to her front door, and Morty watched her go, feeling satisfied with how the evening—and morning—had turned out. He started the engine again, the day still early and drove off.

As Morty's car pulled away, Noelle stood at the entrance of her home, taking a deep breath and preparing to return to her usual routine. Just as she was about to head inside, the door opened, and her eldest daughter, Kira, stepped out.

Kira, always observant and disciplined, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Who was that?" she asked, her tone direct, clearly curious about the unfamiliar car and her mother's somewhat different demeanor.

Noelle smiled softly, trying to keep her expression neutral.

"It's a long story," she said with a hint of amusement, brushing past her daughter and stepping inside.

Kira watched her for a moment, clearly intrigued but sensing that now wasn't the time to push for details. She sighed, shaking her head slightly as she followed her mother into the house.

"Alright, Mom. But I'm going to want to hear that story at some point."

Noelle chuckled under her breath, already feeling the weight of her responsibilities return, but with a new sense of lightness after the night with Morty.

"Maybe later," she replied, glancing back at Kira with a knowing smile.

Meanwhile, Morty pulled into the driveway of his mansion, nestled among the luxurious homes in the neighborhood where only the wealthiest lived.

As he parked his car, he noticed his robot servants already hard at work, setting up decorations and preparing for the extravagant party that was soon to begin. Lights were being strung up, tables laid out with an impressive array of food, and the sound of music being tested hummed in the background.

As he stepped out of the car, Summer, his sister, appeared almost immediately. She ran up to him, a wide grin on her face, and before Morty could say anything, she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Morty was a little surprised by her intensity but didn't resist, knowing how close they had grown through all the wild experiences they had shared.

"I've been waiting for you," Summer said with excitement, pulling back slightly but keeping her arms around him.

"This party is going to be epic! I've invited so many people, and everyone's talking about it already. It's going to be the event of the year!"

Morty chuckled.

"You really went all out, huh? Sounds like it's going to be a pretty wild night."

"You bet!" Summer replied, her eyes lighting up.

"You should see the guest list. Celebrities, Cool kids, influencers—this is going to put us on the map, Morty. You'll thank me later."

He nodded, looking around at the preparations. The robots were efficient, getting everything in place, and the mansion was already buzzing with anticipation.

Despite the whirlwind of business and personal matters, Morty found himself looking forward to the party. It was a chance to unwind, even if it meant rubbing shoulders with the crowd that Summer had curated.

"Alright," Morty said with a grin.

"Let's make sure it's a night to remember." Summer laughed, giving him a playful nudge.

"Oh, it will be, trust me."

With that, the two siblings walked inside together.

As the party was in full swing, Morty arrived with Annie, his first girlfriend from the bizarre "Anatomy Park," which she now owned and managed.

Morty walked her over to Summer, who was busy overseeing the final preparations.

"Summer, this is Annie," Morty introduced, a bit of pride in his voice.

"Annie, this is my sister, Summer."

Summer gave Annie a quick once-over before breaking into a wide smile.

"So you're the one Morty can't stop talking about. Nice to meet you, Annie," she said, extending her hand.

Annie smiled warmly as they shook hands.

"Likewise, Summer. Morty told me you've got some pretty epic party-planning skills."

Summer laughed, clearly pleased.

"You'll see soon enough! It's great to have you here."

The two women seemed to click right away, and Morty, satisfied that they were getting along, left them to chat.

He made his way over to another group of arrivals, this time his girlfriend from school, Jessica. She looked stunning as always, but what caught his attention were the group of girls from the Andavaverse standing by her side—Nancy, Angela, Na-na Kim, Darcy, Brianna, Grace, Eva, Renae, Cassie, and Ester.

[ A/N: Just ignore this, I was horny at the time to add them and it would be unfair not to mention them once and a while. Which is ironic cause I'm gonna add Brittany and her mother Courtney by the artist Fellatrix. ]

"Jessica! Nancy, Angela, everyone!" Morty greeted them with a broad smile, giving Jessica a quick kiss on the cheek before nodding at the others.

"Glad you all could make it."

Jessica smiled back at him, clearly enjoying the attention she was receiving.

"Wouldn't miss it, Morty. This party's already looking incredible."

The Andavaverse girls all greeted Morty warmly, with Nancy and Angela taking the lead in the conversation, teasing him about how big his mansion was. Each of the girls had a presence that filled the space, adding a layer of excitement to the event.

Just as he was about to fully immerse himself in their conversations, a new arrival caught his eye: Pamela, his teacher. Her presence at the party would have shocked everyone, but Morty had anticipated this and had already made preparations to ensure no rumors or gossip would spread.

He had hired discreet security and social media blockers to ensure Pamela's attendance would go unnoticed by anyone who didn't need to know.

"Ms. Pamela," Morty greeted her with a composed smile, stepping forward to guide her away from the crowd.

"Glad you could make it."

Pamela seemed a bit nervous at first, but Morty's calm demeanor put her at ease.

"Thanks, Morty. This is... quite the event. I wasn't sure if I should come, but..."

Morty waved off her concern.

"Don't worry, I've taken care of everything. You can relax and enjoy the night. No one's going to think twice about you being here."

Pamela exhaled a sigh of relief, clearly trusting that Morty had everything under control. As she blended into the crowd, Morty returned to his guests, confident that the night was shaping up perfectly. With Annie, Jessica, the Andavaverse girls, and even his teacher in attendance.

As the party raged on, everyone naturally gravitated to different areas of the mansion. Some guests splashed around in the lavish pool, the air filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses.

Others mingled inside the mansion, chatting in small groups as they enjoyed the sophisticated atmosphere. It was a perfect blend of relaxed luxury and energetic celebration.

In one corner of the party, Rick had arrived, bringing along a few of his old friends, including Birdperson. True to Rick's chaotic nature, the vibe shifted as his group settled in.

Rick was already several drinks in, his sharp humor cutting through the crowd as he entertained Birdperson and the other eclectic characters he'd invited. The party atmosphere now had a distinct edge, similar to the one in the Ricksy Business episode.

Morty could tell things might get out of hand, but he wasn't too concerned. He'd been through enough with Rick to know how to handle it. Glancing around, he saw Birdperson stoically surveying the scene, while Rick was making a series of outlandish toasts, calling out the absurdity of high society and mingling with the upper class.

Summer, on the other hand, was in her element. She thrived in the party environment and was happily showing her friends around the mansion, while Morty noticed that Jessica and the Andavaverse girls had taken over one of the lounges, engaged in lively conversation.

As the night wore on, the party escalated in true Rick fashion. Loud music, spontaneous dancing, and Rick's occasional outbursts created a surreal mix of chaos and high-end glamour.

Morty kept a close eye on the situation, making sure that things didn't spiral too far out of control, especially with so many important guests in attendance.

By the time Rick had convinced a few guests to join him for an impromptu karaoke session, Morty could only shake his head and laugh. It wasn't a *normal* party, but then again, nothing ever was when Rick was involved.

Despite the unpredictable twists, the party was a success. The guests were having a great time, and Morty found himself moving through the crowd, making sure everyone was comfortable, chatting with Jessica and the others, and keeping an eye on Rick's more chaotic antics.

As the party continued to buzz with energy, Morty decided to check in with the Andavaverse girls to see how they were settling in.

He made his way through the crowd, dodging a few partygoers dancing wildly, until he reached the lounge where Jessica and the Andavaverse girls were seated. They had taken over a plush section of the mansion, laughing and chatting as they enjoyed the evening.

"Hey, how's it going over here?" Morty asked, flashing a grin as he approached.

Nancy, the most outgoing of the group, was the first to respond.

"Morty! We're having a great time! Your place is insane! I don't think I've ever been to a party like this."

Angela nodded, sipping her drink with a smirk.

"Yeah, you've really outdone yourself. I mean, I knew you were rich, but this? This is next-level."

Morty chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Summer put a lot of work into this too." He glanced at Jessica, who smiled warmly at him, clearly enjoying herself.

"I'm just glad you guys could make it."

Na-na Kim, who had been sitting quietly up until now, leaned in.

"It's a bit wild, though. Your grandfather's friends... they're something else." Her eyes darted over to the other side of the room, where Birdperson was having an intense conversation with a few guests about existentialism, while Rick was busy trying to convince a group to join him in some outrageous experiment.

Morty laughed.

"Yeah, Rick tends to, uh, spice things up a bit. But don't worry, I've got things under control."

Darcy, who was lounging with Brianna, chimed in.

"Honestly, we're good. This is the most fun we've had in a while. And the mansion? Total dream house."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, clearly impressed with how the night was going. Morty felt a sense of relief—he wanted everyone to have a great time, and it seemed like things were going smoothly, even with Rick's unpredictable antics.

"I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves," Morty said, taking a seat beside them.

"If you need anything, just let me know. Food, drinks, whatever—this party's just getting started."

Grace, always the more thoughtful one, smiled softly at Morty.

"You really go all out for your friends, Morty. It's nice. We appreciate it."

Morty shrugged, trying to downplay it, but feeling a warm sense of accomplishment.

"Hey, it's nothing. Just want everyone to have a good time."

They continued to chat for a while, the Andavaverse girls sharing stories about school, relationships, and laughing about their own crazy experiences.

Morty found himself easily fitting into the conversation, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the group. Despite the wild nature of the party going on around them, this moment felt grounded and real.

After a bit, Jessica leaned over to Morty, her hand resting on his arm.

"You're doing great, Morty. Everyone's having fun."

He smiled at her, feeling reassured.

"Thanks, Jessica. That means a lot."

As they continued to chat, Morty kept an eye on the rest of the party, making sure everything was under control while enjoying the company of his friends. It was shaping up to be an unforgettable night.