Prologue Heaven and Earth are not merciful.

Before the chaos broke out, there was already Hong Meng World. When Hong Meng World was destroyed, there was nothing left. Fifty-ninth Tianyan Road One of them is escape.

Then there was chaos. Chaos arose and gave birth to the Chaos Demon God who was born with the Law of the Three Thousand Paths remaining. Battle of the Three Thousand Gods The opening of the world began to transform into everything. And the Great Dao was born before the universe for a moment.

However, in this long history There were nine colored orbs located between heaven and earth. which lasted as long as Chaos. Finally, after many changes Yuan Hui also transformed into a dao form. It existed before the universe even existed. Its origins are unknown, its origins unknown, and it does not exist.

Looking back, there was no beginning. Follow and watch endlessly.

It is the water that nourishes the world. If it were water that sustains the world, Dao would be nearby. Then there's nothing you can't do. They exist as individuals in the world but are tightly bound to their impersonality.

Dao is infinite and eternal. Because he was never born, never died, and has no desires of his own. But live for everything

People following the world The world follows the universe The universe follows the Tao. The Tao will follow the Tao.

Taoist practitioners do not move forward, but retreat. If you do not survive the disaster, you will just die. In the Heavenly Battle, there is no retreat halfway.

If you know you should stop, stop. To avoid disaster, everything will end with the Tao. It was as if all rivers ended in the sea.

The Tao gives birth to one. One begets two Two begets three Three gives birth to everything.

Birth is predetermined on the heel. Bloodline restrictions and divine help Walking in the great wilderness Collect treasures along the way That's what it should be. From taking things that don't belong to us. That makes karma unclean. The stronger the word, The closer the chess pieces are, the closer they will be.

There is a woman here who created a human being from clay. These are the founders of Bagua. These are the three supreme saints of Taoism. This is the queen of the underworld. This is the ancestor of Taoism. There are westerners who thrive in Buddhism here. This was the Lord of the Heavenly Spirit Palace. This was the overlord of the three kingdoms.

"Heaven and earth have no mercy. Treat everything like a stupid dog."