009 The reincarnated person is the devil.

Zhen Yuanzi looked towards the path of the River of Time that he had created, which had damaged and destroyed the universe, surrounded by useless planetary debris. Zhen Yuanzi's brown sleeve was lightly flicked by him. The remnants of the destroyed civilization were quickly sucked into his sleeve, and it made Tian Ling extremely stunned, unable to sense his fluctuations. Space Laws Obviously, besides Zhen Yuanzi's strength being very strong, his use of space power was also unique.

Hong Yun slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled casually at the girl, as if he wasn't talking about someone's secret at all.

"That is called Xiu Li Qian Kun."

"Universe in a sleeve?"

"Yes, with Yuan Zi's understanding of the Supreme Space Law, he used his deduction power to create his own Space Law Technique."

Tian Ling's eyes opened slightly. This is truly shocking. In ancient times there was very little technique. The ancient Innate Gods had different cultivation techniques from their bloodline and memories. After a while, the current cultivation techniques spread throughout the world without any reason. It was said that the Great Dao was the one who created the entire realm's cultivation techniques. Creating each technique is therefore quite difficult. But it doesn't mean there aren't any. Zhen Yuanzi is a good example for that word.

The brown robed man shook his head lightly, "I can teach you. Do you want to learn?"

"Isn't this something you should keep to yourself?"

"It is just a space technique used to store things and people. Anyone can learn it. The Innate Gods have many such techniques. Even though it can be used in battle, overall it doesn't have strong attack power." Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, disagreeing with the girl's statement.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't think that the universe in the sleeve was precious. As for him simply starting to infer faster than anyone else, this technique is said to have been created by him. But for him, he doesn't think so because anyone can create it.

Tian Ling's brown eyes shone brightly, and the girl was startled by Hong Yun's teasing smile, so she snorted softly in her throat, "If you don't mind, please teach me."

"You don't have to be so formal…" Zhen Yuanzi lightly shook his head at the woman's attitude.

"I understand. Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Even though he said he understood, Tian Ling respectfully bowed to the other party as usual. It's like listening through the left ear through the right ear. Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi sighed. In just a moment, the three figures disappeared from the vastness of the universe and reappeared in the ancient world. There were no world-shattering changes here, like the battle just moments before, beyond normal perception. Tian Ling looked at the brown-robed man with gleaming eyes. Zhen Yuanzi was indeed strong, Hong Yun would not be much inferior to him. Although Tian Ling had never seen Hong Yun fight, she had a feeling in her heart that Hong Yun should be stronger than Zhen Yuanzi. Even though she didn't know if it was true, Tian Ling would believe her feelings. before

"What are you thinking?"

Hong Yun picked up a water gourd and camouflaged it and sat on a small wooden chair that Zhen Yuanzi had brought out from Xiu Li Qiankun. The red-robed man sat down slowly, his eyes turned to the red-robed girl in his hand, who was pouring high-quality liquor into the goblet in front of him.

"Nothing, I keep thinking."

Tian Ling walked over and sat on the other side of the wooden table. Clearly, the wood is made up of billions of stars to create this luxurious lounge. If it were Tian Ling from before, he would be extremely shocked. But during the journey, she gradually grew up and became more open to outside things than usual.

Looking more clearly, Tian Ling saw that the fine liquor that had been brewed by the good old man Hong Yun was a vast, endless star, flowing down into the small liquor goblet. The woman secretly sighed softly at the sight. The madness of an innate god who distills planets into liquor.

Zhen Yuanzi gingerly drank the fine wine while using his eyes to look at his close friend and fellow traveler. This kind of tranquility was hard to find since he and Hong Yun had chosen to use protons and become closer to lower level existences. Setting out on a pilgrimage to this wilderness, the places he and Hong Yun had never been to barely existed. Hong Yun originally sensed that a stranger had entered his old cave after making a pilgrimage there. Unexpectedly, it was Tian Ling. Zhen Yuanzi stopped, holding the goblet close to his lips when he saw the thoughtful expression of the only woman among the three of them. He gently put down the goblet of liquor and asked in a voice that was not too harsh but not too gentle, a simple voice that invited trust.

"what happened What are you wondering about?"

Tian Ling was slightly startled, slowly returning from her thoughts, the woman turned her gaze towards Zhen Yuanzi and the red-robed man who was silently looking at her, and put down the goblet of liquor, obviously observing him. Tian Ling's abnormality could be seen from Zhen Yuanzi's words. The Sassa girl sighed softly, her brown eyes were gleaming and steady when she was caught thinking something. Instead of holding it in her heart but not losing her mind, wouldn't it be better to say it directly?

"Did you notice that when a beast whose soul disappeared, the surrounding animals that died still had their souls wandering around and not going anywhere? What happened?"

Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi turned to look at each other slightly and let out a slow sigh.

"I think there's something troubling me, actually it's this."

Hong Yun slowly stood up from the wooden chair, walked in the other direction, and used one hand to brush away the beautiful bitter-pink flowers that stood upright.

"You have noticed. Yin and Yang are not separated. The living live on earth, the dead live on earth, the living yin and yang are polluted and impure. Even though the ancient world looked perfect, it lacked the underworld. Those who die wander on Yang. The resentment of not being able to rebirth or recover its existence here has always tainted the ancient world. If yin is not separated from yang, then those who suffer will be yang like those of us who are still alive. Without the underworld there is no reincarnation. The cycle of rebirth therefore does not really exist. The cycle of pity is but a fleeting dream."

"Sir! You mean that reincarnation doesn't exist!?"

Tian Ling's breath was ragged as the woman quickly stood up from her chair. His beautiful face was slightly pale, with beads of sweat visible in his hairline. Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun were stunned by Tian Ling's unsteadiness but blinked softly. and was quiet, allowing the young woman to calm down. When she saw that it was finished, the man in red answered.

"Yes, as you said. Reincarnation really does not exist. If a variable creature appears, everyone will naturally know that he is not a creature of the ancient world. Their souls will smell different. We don't call those things reincarnators, but those people, demons, because these people steal other people's bodies for whatever reason."

At the end of Hong Yun's voice, Tian Ling's already pale face became even paler than before. How is that possible? Is she really a demon who steals other people's bodies?

Zhen Yuanzi gently put down the goblet of liquor. His face was expressionless without being tainted by the mundane. "What worries you? Do you think you will be one of those demons? Trust me, you are not. Your soul reflects the heavens perfectly."

Tian Ling slowly raised his head. He walked over to the brown-robed man who stood up and walked towards her with light steps. The turmoil in his heart seemed to have calmed down.

"Your soul has a slightly different scent, but it is not too different from the Inherent Gods from the Chaos Era. It is a little similar. But rest assured, even if there is no reincarnation path. But I know your spirit is pure."

He slowly walked past the girl and uttered a soft word, but it shocked Tian Ling.

"You have never lived before…"

Hong Yun frowned. He couldn't understand why Tian Ling had such an expression as if the world was about to end and this was the last second of her life. He said the girl's name in a low voice, "Tian Ling?"

But without reply, the young man sighed softly, transformed back into the form of a kind old man, and walked away in another direction, allowing the young woman to think and deal with her own feelings. Regarding feelings and thoughts, Hong Yun couldn't force the young woman, no, she could, but it would be better to pass. Tian Ling was an innocent child, but even so, she had to control her thoughts and feelings.

Is there no reincarnation? Did you not have a previous life?

Tian Ling looked blankly at the blue sky with a depressed spirit. The face is duller than usual. In my head I kept asking myself if I had misheard. She was sure about her memories of her 'past life' even though there were some parts that didn't feel right, such as not being angry at the person who had killed herself. No matter how close they were, when they were killed they would feel angry, but Tian Ling didn't feel that way. To be precise, from the beginning she felt like she was sensing other people's affairs through her own memories. Tian Ling was more afraid of what she didn't know than of dying, so she turned her attention away from her thoughts. I have always been in that direction and deceived myself. But hearing that from Zhen Yuanzi made her think about this abnormality again.

Is someone playing with her memories?

Tian Ling's thoughts suddenly came to a strange halt. The girl looked blankly at the sky and blinked twice, dazed.

Where did you think about it just now? Why can't I remember anything? Moreover, where had Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun gone? Why did you leave her here alone? The goblet was full of aroma, as if the liquor had just been poured, still floating in the air. It probably hadn't been gone for a long time. Do you want to go for a walk?

Tian Ling slowly stood up from the wooden chair and walked around looking at the many flowers he had never seen before. The appearance is unusual and the colors are beautiful. The woman walked a short distance away, not because she was afraid the other two wouldn't find her, but because. Unfamiliar with the way and having a bad intuition deep inside, he chose his own safety as the main priority.

Tian Ling stopped and looked at the beautiful white bird standing on two legs on a willow branch three steps away from her, as if hypnotized as the little white bird's turquoise eyes turned to look. The girl walked closer without realizing it. One god and one bird looked at each other in silence. Tian Ling stared into the little bird's eyes. Something that alerted her in her head became even more intense, but she couldn't take a step out. It felt like millions of worlds were weighing down her legs.

"Tian Ling, where did you go?"

Hong Yun, who had returned from walking around the trees, shouted loudly, even forgetting that he was able to detect this fellow with his magical powers. Zhen Yuanzi followed behind, shaking his head lightly. He frowned slightly when in the magical knowledge that spread out to cover nearly ten kilometers, he found a little white bird.

As if startled by the sudden sound, the white bird flapped its wings violently and flew away. Tian Ling turned back to the red-robed man, his brown eyes stained with a gleaming white

color before blinking back to normal. An emotionless voice was softly spoken.

"I'm here…"