Lumina city [2]

In the morning, Evan was still asleep in his apartment, undisturbed by the travel fatigue from the previous day. 

However, fate had other plans for him. As he slept, a loud knock on the door jolted him awake. 

Initially, he ignored it, but as the knocking persisted, he sat up, irritated, and yelled for it to stop. 

"Who could it be at this early hour?" he wondered aloud, just as his gaze landed on the wall clock. To his astonishment, it was already past 9 am. He recalled Jason's instruction to join them for breakfast.

"Oh no, it must be Uncle Jason at the door," he muttered, rushing to open it. Sure enough, there stood Jason, looking quite displeased.

"Kid, I believe I told you something last night," Jason articulated, pausing between each word.

"Sorry, sir, I overslept because I was tired. You go ahead; I'll be quick after freshening up," Evan replied. Jason, slightly annoyed, nodded and walked away.

"Oh gosh, not on my first day. What impression will they have of me now?" Evan thought, hurrying to wash off the sweat from yesterday's journey. He hadn't even changed his clothes the night before due to exhaustion.

Fifteen minutes later, he left his apartment and began descending the stairs to Jason's place. 

Looking outside, he saw many students and others heading to school and work. 

"It doesn't seem much different from my old place, just a new area," Evan noted as he continued down. Just as he was about to reach the bottom, he encountered a man in his mid-twenties coming up.

"So, you're the one Jason mentioned, huh?" the man remarked, eyeing Evan, who simply nodded, too shy to engage in conversation with a stranger. Clearly an introvert.

"Yes, sir, I'm the guy..." Evan began.

"Can't you speak clearly and loud a little as I can't hear you correctly." The man said as he wasn't able to hear him.

"I was sayi..." He trailed off as he noticed a man walking outside his apartment. The man seemed familiar, but with his back turned, it was hard to be certain. Then it clicked – it was Jason, who had just changed his clothes and stepped out.

He turned towards Jason and saw him staring back, just as another guy started shouting at him.

"Hey, you, what are you both doing here?" Jason approached them, his tone confrontational.

The guy's mood darkened instantly, as if a past conflict with Jason had resurfaced.

"Hey, I remember you. Aren't you the kid I banned from my apartment?" Jason's recognition was slow but sure.

"Yeah, you old man, I remember you saying I'm banned from coming here at night. I'm here to see a college friend," the man retorted, trying to sidestep Jason's glare and questions.

He attempted to move past, but Evan blocked his path.

"I told you not to come here, and if you do, I'll call the police," Jason warned, aware of the man's intentions.

"Listen, old man, I'm here to help a friend who needed me last night. Can't you let me pass, or she won't get the help she needs?" the man argued. But Jason stood firm, unyielding like a stubborn child, forcing the man to leave to avoid further trouble with the police.

"Heh, I know the work you're here for, and I must also ensure that girl leaves this place quickly if she doesn't solve the problem," Jason said in a low voice, glancing at the departing figure who kept looking back at him. 

Evan, standing beside him, couldn't grasp why Jason wouldn't let the man go; in his mind, the man was merely there to assist a friend, which wasn't wrong. He questioned Jason about it, but the reply only deepened his confusion.

"Kid, you're too young to understand these matters right now, and there's no need for you to know. Let's set this aside and come with me for breakfast," Jason said, coughing slightly as he grasped Evan's wrist and led him towards his apartment for the meal.

He and Jason entered the apartment to find Rossy setting breakfast on the table.

"Oh, you're finally here, Evan. We've been waiting for you for quite some time, and now you show up," Rossy said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, Mrs. Rossy, I overslept because of travel fatigue and was further delayed by a man who stopped me to argue about why I took the apartment from him," Evan briefly explained, as Rossy grasped the gist of the story but was still puzzled about the man's part.

She glanced at her husband, who gestured to discuss it later, and she nodded, inviting them to sit down for breakfast.

After that, everyone started eating in silence, and eventually, they finished as Rossy began clearing the plates.

"Let me help you with that, Mrs. Rossy," Evan offered, starting to rise from his seat.

"There's no need, Evan. You stay and chat with Jason; I'll be back in a few minutes," Rossy insisted, taking all the dishes and bowls to wash them.

"So Evan, the reason I asked you to come here was to tell you that I've arranged everything for you to attend a school in a nearby area. The chairman of the school is my friend, and this is how I can help you. But you must promise me that you won't do anything wrong there. If you don't want to go, I can help you find a part-time job in a shop until you turn eighteen," Jason explained. Evan heard this and pondered his options.

"Sir, I've made my decision... Yes, I am ready to go to school. My teacher once told me that without education, a person can't achieve anything worthwhile or help others as good people do. So, I am prepared to attend school, and don't worry, I won't make any mistakes that would cause you trouble," Evan spoke up after a moment, leaving Jason and Rossy, who had just emerged from the kitchen, pleasantly surprised by the boy's maturity.

"Alright then, I'll speak to him and get everything ready for you," Jason said, and Evan nodded before heading back.

"Where are you going, Evan?" Rossy asked as Evan halted in his steps and looked back.

"I was just heading back to my apartment," Evan replied, his path indeed set towards his residence.

"Oh, if you have some time, why not explore our neighborhood? I'm pretty sure it will be easier for you to recognize the place later," Rossy suggested, with Jason nodding in agreement. Evan hesitated, and Jason noticed.

"Do you have a problem, kid? Why don't you tell me?" Jason inquired, noticing Evan's startled expression as he stared at the ground as if it were a masterpiece.

"Sir, I... I'm scared of getting lost if I go out," Evan confessed in a low voice, but the room was so quiet that both could hear him clearly.

"Huh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~," Jason's voice echoed, and Rossy, who had been silent, started laughing, which only made Evan more embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll solve it. Rossy, let me have that thing," Jason said. Initially confused, Rossy understood after a few seconds and nodded before going to retrieve it. 

A few minutes later, she returned, placing the item in his hand. 

Evan was taken aback by the sight of it, as he hadn't anticipated receiving such a thing.


What kind of item did he receive? Can you make a guess?