The cafeteria was buzzing with laughs, voices, shouts, the room spinning around Regan's eyes as she sat alone in a table. The girl from yesterday was there, at the center, and Regan had learnt she was Olivia, indeed the principal's daughter. But she didn't care.
Vesper appeared from the chaotic crowed waiting in the queue. She was holding a tray with two sandwiches and sodas.
"Thanks," Regan said, thanking her for buying her food. Vesper just smiled and sat down. They started to eat on silence and Regan couldn't help the curiosity lingering in her. Vesper looked outgoing and friendly, not dull and boring like Regan saw herself.
"So, do you have any other friends?" Regan suddenly asked out loud.
The other girl frowned just slightly and Regan immediately regretted saying that. Was it rude?
But Vesper's face softened again within a second, like hot water melting the ice, "Of course I have," she said as she took a bite of the sandwich, "more then friends actually," her lips curled upwards in the process, "they're just not in this school."
The way she said it sounded off, but Regan kept her cool, "That's cool," she replied not finding anything better to say.
"What about you?"
"Oh, I've had, were I lived before," Regan replied, her mind flashing with memories of fake friends, that used her to do their homework and assignments.
"Oh, I see you weirdos have become friends," the familiar voice from yesterday had approached and Regan realized it was Olivia. Not alone, but with a blond guy. Regan didn't have time for that, but the guy stepped forward, aside Vesper, leaned down, and twirled a strand of her hair.
Regan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, she hadn't really thought that Vesper had a boyfriend.
"How are you doing, cupcake?" he asked, his voice teasing.
"Get lost, Nate," Vesper retorted in an attempt to say it angrily, but failing it.
"Oh, come on cupcake, we were good yesterday," the guy called Nate said, "perhaps we meet tonight?"
Regan wanted to leave but she curiosity was holding her captive. She glanced around, seeing how everyone's attention was on her friend and the guy. She feared that if she would stay there any longer, it would shift at her in some way.
"You fool dare take my boyfriend?" Olivia suddenly snarled, her features twisted into a scowl. The cafeteria fell silent, all eyes on them, that she even heard a pin dropping from a passing girl. But Vesper only smirked, fueling Olivia even more.
"Nate, what are you doing?" Olivia demanded as Vesper stood up, Nate starting to walk away with her. She grabbed his arm to stop him, but he was already going. Regan was watching, her mind racing.
Olivia shoved a chair in anger and yelled at everyone to mind their own business. They seemed to relish in drama, but they turned away, the whispers taking place within the second.
Regan quickly disappeared from the scene and went outside. She couldn't shake Olivia's words about Vesper and for the rest of the classes it was the only thing she could think about.
Vesper, on the other hand, skipped and Regan wondered if this affected her friend's grades. She really hoped that Olivia was lying about that boyfriend thing.
"And tomorrow you will have your grade test on physics. Remember that this test covers 60% of your grade." That's what the teacher said before leaving.
Finally it was over and everyone started leaving. Regan got her bag and noticed how Vesper still had her things in her desk.
She really hoped Vesper wasn't someone who'd steal others boyfriends. Olivia was a rude jerk, but it was still immoral to steal someone's lover.
She stormed out of the classroom and in her way home.
Before opening the door of the car, she heard a shout behind her back.
"Regan! Regan! Wait!
"Yes, Vesper? she asked, turning back, slightly irritated.
"Is this your car? It's beautiful!" Vesper complimented, pushing her bangs away from her face. The wind wasn't doing its best job on her hair. As for Regan, she didn't really care. She'd rather have some rocky hairstyle, than a sleek and silk one.
"Of course she's gonna cheer. Had a lot of fun with her boyfriend," Regan's mind said.
"Thanks, I'm going home."
"Well I'll come in then," Vesper said and rushed to get in Regan's car when Regan wasn't even inside. What would she do? She wasn't going to say an excuse to make her leave or something.
She sighed and got inside.
Vesper turned on the stereo, putting on some songs which Regan didn't like, but she didn't speak or complain.
She took a deep breath and turned on the engine. The start of the drive was silent, with no one speaking. Vesper kept glancing at Regan, tapping her leg on the car's floor impatiently. Regan didn't look at her at all, she was focused on the road.
"Hey, why are you so quiet?" Vesper finally asked after five minutes.
Regan glanced at her, her expression neutral, "I don't know what to say."
"So what do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know," Regan replied. She didn't want to sound dry but she didn't have what to say as well. "The things that Olivia said at the cafeteria...."
"Interrogating everything, aren't you?"
"Huh, no," Regan quickly replied, "I just.... Why did she say that?"
Vesper sighed, "Nate's not my boyfriend. I want someone else."
Regan had never heard something so blunt. Want someone else? Maybe she could've just said 'I like someone else'.
"But she's a drama queen," Vesper continued with her eyes on her phone.
"So you have a boyfriend that's not in the school?" Regan asked, curiousity getting the better of her.
"He's not even in this planet," Vesper muttered.
"What?" Regan looked at her briefly before returning her eyes on the road.
"Never mind. It's just someone who....who lives somewhere else."
"So it's a fictional character then?" Regan said, trying to lighten the mood.
Vesper's expression darkened slightly, but she didn't take the bait, "You could say that," she replied, her voice low and cryptic.
Regan's curiosity grew, but she didn't push it. Maybe Vesper was one of those anime fans who had a crush on a fictional character.
But still, a part of her wasn't was entirely convinced. Maybe because she was always viewing the worst side.
The silence was becoming slightly uncomfortable again and Vesper broke it. "So are you going to give us a ride around?" she asked with a smile, "I'll tell you the ways. Or you're going straight at home and die of boredom?"
Regan's face fell.
Because she wanted to go home and didn't like wandering around.
But since she was supposed to be a friend, she agreed.
"Okay... I'll make a ride around but only 10 minutes."
"Deal!" Vesper cheered.
Their 'ride' was supposed to be ten minutes but it lasted more than a hour. Vesper wanted her company to the mall.
Regan was annoyed but she finally convinced her that her aunt was going to get mad at her for coming home late.
When they were done, she was quietly happy for finally getting rid of Vesper, even if that didn't sound right. She knew she was being a bad friend now, but she really didn't have to go shopping when she didn't want to. And yes, she could have told that earlier but she didn't want to annoy Vesper.
Taking a look at Vesper, she was smiling happily looking at her new clothes she got.
Most of the clothes in her bags were provocative and preppy. She had a great income. Regan thought she bought maybe most for her sister, which Vesper had mentioned before. Or maybe she had a party to attend or just something else.
Regan parked the car near her house and waited impatiently for her to leave.
"Thank you Reg! See you tomorrow! Oh, and don't forget to reply my texts!"
"Goodbye," Regan called back. She drove the car near her house, parking it in front of the house. She sighed in relief, being home finally. Her new house was beautiful so why should she be bored?
But then again this wave of discomfort hit her. That feeling of something watching her.
She went to throw her bag in her room and later on it was her aunt who came home. Regan sighed in relief. She had been shopping as well.
"Hey, I met your best friend out there," Monica said as soon as she saw. Regan could tell she was tired but knew it was from shopping. Monica was a workaholic and didn't really get tired from work. "She was such a nice girl."
"Oh, yeah. Vesper," Regan replied. It was weird how Vesper got to know her aunt without her even telling about it. But since they were neighbours, it was already obvious.
"I'm glad you got out of your social shield and made a good friend," Monica said with a chuckle, giving Regan the bags to carry them upstairs. Regan nodded and went upstairs. She didn't want to talk about Vesper anymore, because if she did, her mind would probably bring up all what happened in cafeteria and she'd spill it all to her aunt.
She entered Monica's room and placed the bags near the closet. Then, she went to her own room and thought to start studying for the physics test. As she sat on the desk, a heavy, alluring smell hit her nose.
She noticed it was from a beautiful red rose placed on the bedside table. Regan wondered why the scent was so vivid, when it was just a rose. But then, she remembered that she hadn't placed it there.
Probably her aunt, she thought. She knew Regan liked roses and had found a beautiful one. She remembered her aunt's words that when she was little, Regan was obsessed with red. She wanted her room painted red, her clothes red, her hair red, everything red.
And of course, Regan didn't remember it. The scent of the rose was so intoxicating that it started to make her feel dizzy. She picked it up carelessly but immediately regretted it.
The thorns were so sharp they stung her slender fingers and drew beads of blood. Wincing, she dropped the rose and watched it land softly on the floor. Actually the thorns were like nothing she had seen before. They looked like sharp spikes of metal.
It was weird. The rose seemed untouchable. Where did her aunt find this? It seemed almost dangerous. She went to wash her hands in the sink and thought about it for a moment. What if she just asked her aunt?
When she turned back to her room, her aunt entered just at the right time. "Hey, dear, I'm going out for a while and the laundry's done. Could you fold it for me?" Monica asked, holding up a basket of clothes.
Regan nodded, hiding her hands with her sleeves. "Sure," she said, taking the basket from her aunt. She had to ask about the rose before Monica left.
"Aunt wait, did you place that rose here?" Regan asked casually, gesturing towards the floor with a nod. Monica looked surprised.
"No, I didn't? Maybe it got here from where I shopped?"
"I don't know," Regan said with a shrug, "But the thorns are like knives. I prickled my fingers."
Monica watched the rose with a frown, "I'll throw it away," she said, walking near the rose and bowing down to get it. She felt the thorns sharper than a knife.
"Seriously," she murmured, her brows furrowing, "where did this came from?" she slid the window open and threw it away. Regan watched, feeling a wave of unease.
Monica left then, saying she'll be back in few hours. Regan's mind was still on the rose. How did the rose got there in her bedside table? It wasn't like she brought the clothes there. It was so weird.
Her phone buzzed with a notification, drawing her from thoughts. It was a text from Vesper.
"Hey, I'm standing in front of your house. There's something we need to talk about."
Regan's felt a knot form in her stomach. She watched from the window, Vesper was there, holding the red rose in her hand. She went downstairs and opened the door. Vesper's expression was unreadable.
"Hey, that rose's got very sharp thorns," Regan said, noticing how her friend was holding it so carelessly.
Vesper looked up at her, something flickering in her brown eyes. "Where did you get this from?" she asked, a hint of accusation in her voice.
"It was just there when I came home," Regan replied in confusion.
Vesper's grip tightened on the rose stem, the metal-like thorns digging into her skin without a flinch. "But how? You mean someone just left it?"
Regan felt her heart race as she studied Vesper's reaction. She had just moved in, who would even do this? And why was Vesper so pressed about it? It was just a rose. A dangerous one.
"Well, my aunt said she didn't," she said, crossing her arms, "What else am I supposed to think?"
Vesper watched her for a moment, narrowing her eyes. But then she dumped the rose in the trashcan.
"Probably Mike, that guy from school," she said, rolling her eyes.
Regan's eyebrows furrowed, "What?"
"You know, Mike's that guy in the class who was watching you yesterday," Vesper said, blowing a bubble gum from her mouth. "He must've thrown that inside your room from the window," she added.
Regan's mind raced. Mike? She didn't even know who that was. Was it the guy who had looked at her yesterday? He had followed her home? She didn't know what to make of Vesper's words. Was that why she felt like she was followed?
"Maybe he likes you," Vesper said, waiting for Regan's reaction.
"No, no," Regan finally said, shaking her head vigorously. And even if he had done that, the rose was placed neatly on the table. It was so so weird.
"Fine, don't believe me," Vesper said with a shrug, "Is your aunt home?"
"No," Regan replied.
"Do you want to hang out?"
"Yeah, I guess."
They entered the house. Regan's mind was still racing. She couldn't believe any of this.
"You want to watch a movie, or you want to do something else?" Vesper asked, throwing herself on the couch as if she owned it.
"I don't know," Regan replied with a shrug, "That rose matter...."
"Come on, it's not a big deal," Vesper said with a roll of her eyes, "You can speak to him tomorrow. Or I'll do it if you're shy."
"No no, there's no need," Regan said. "But I had to fold some clothes first," she added, remembering her chores.
Vesper raised an eyebrow, "Oh....fine then. I'll come later." She left and Regan released a breath. She wasn't feeling on the mood, she also had to study and that rose's matter wrapped around her like an anxiety vine.
After she folded the clothes, she turned back to study. She lost track of time and when she stepped downstairs, she heard voices. It was Vesper, engaged in a deep conversation with her aunt. Regan wondered what they could be discussing. They appeared to have a long-standing connection, speaking as if they had known each other for years.
"Hi," Regan greeted, although her voice came out raspy due to her lack of water intake.
"Oh, hi Regan. I was just going to leave," Vesper said with a smile and stood up from her seat. Monica looked at Regan.
"We've been talking for a while and she has a very good sense of humor," she said.
Regan forced a smile, "Yea, Vesper's pretty funny," she replied, her throat burning for water. "I'm going to drink some water."
She left to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. The liquid rolled off her throat, soothing it with its coldness. When she turned back to the living room, Vesper was gone.
"Oh, did she leave?" Regan asked.
"She said it was late," Monica said, taking a sip from her coffee. "And she said something that this Mike guy snuck the rose inside your room."
Regan's eyes widened, "No aunt, I don't think so, I don't even know that guy."
Monica shrugged, "I don't know my dear. It's weird. But if it goes like this, you have to sort it out."
"Yeah, I'll do something about it," Regan muttered, going back to the kitchen. She grabbed a sandwich and ate, the rose still on her mind. She had moved just yesterday and weird things started happening. She didn't know what to do.
And Vesper, there was something strange about this girl, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She didn't know if it was normal to feel that way. They just meet a day before after all.
She tried to sleep but she just couldn't. She drank a sleeping pill and hoped it would work. At least that was something that Monica was aware of. She knew that Regan couldn't sleep sometimes, so she would buy her these kind of pills. Regan didn't want to drink them because she didn't want to rely on them. But her mind seemed to not really mind it.
A/n: Hey lovelies, what do you think about the roses?