Regan pried herself off of his grip, her breath coming in angry puffs, "Where the hell did you bring me?" she demanded, her eyes scanning the surroundings warily. 

They were in a dead land filled with a mass of frozen, glistering trees, slippery ice ground and an large ocean stretching far and covering the horizon. There were no buildings or anything else. It was freezing, the wind beating the trees like a hungry beast.

"It wasn't supposed to bring us here," Sirius said, eyeing the place cautiously.

"So what, you're saying you brought us here by mistake?" Regan asked, feelings a sense of dread course through her.

"I.... don't know," he trailed off, his expression unreadable, "this place....it looks like the middle of the nowhere."

Regan's fear intensified. She didn't knew where they were and he didn't know either. It was weird. The sky was dull, covered with dark looming clouds, so there was nothing to illuminate the ocean. But it was dimly lit in a blue color. It was eerie, something Regan had never seen before. "Why is the ocean like that?" she asked.

"It produces its own light," Sirius replied, his eyebrows furrowing with anger at his own magic. He couldn't believe how his spell misfired. It was supposed to bring them somewhere safe, somewhere where he....well, she wouldn't escape or be caught. But here they were, in this freezing wasteland.

"Do you realize that if those bastards find us, I have nowhere to go?" Regan suddenly snapped, her fists clenching with fear and anger.

Sirius's eyes never left the horizon, "You have me, you're not alone."

Regan felt a surge of anger at his words. " I don't want you," she snapped, "I don't want anyone. I don't want anyone to own me!"

"This isn't the time for you tantrums," Sirius retorted, his eyes looking sharply at hers.

"Teleport again!" Regan demanded, her voice horse from the cold. "Take us out of here!"

"It doesn't work like that," Sirius replied quietly, "it needs recharge. And this isn't even my realm. I can't go wherever I want."

"So we're going to wait here for your spell to recharge?" Regan snapped, tightening the cloak around her. She didn't want to go anywhere with this bastard, Sirius, who said she was his. They were even enemies, they hated each other and he had the audacity to say that. She couldn't believe it.

"We'll do whatever it takes for you to not get caught," Sirius assured, his hands on his pockets.

"I'm not yours," Regan suddenly retorted, "and I'm not staying here with you."

"You're my enemy, if not something else," he said, his expression distant. The wind carried his words away but Regan heard it pretty well.

"As if you're any better than Viggo," she spat, "you both want to use and manipulate me."

Sirius's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing in anger, "You think so, don't you? You think I'm like that monster?"

"Yes, I think that," Regan's voice was firm, despite the dread inside her, "You-"

"Ah, look at the lovebirds," a mocking voice called, snapping their attention away. It was the blond man, this time with more reinforcements. Their expressions were a mix of malice and disdain, their swords and knives shining in the dark night.

Sirius stepped in front and covered Regan, "Son of a bitch," he muttered under his breath, his grip tight on the daggers. "I warned you to get lost," he snarled, his hands glowing orange.

The blond man laughed, a malicious, sinister sound, "You're outnumbered and cornered, demonkr was. There's no escape for you both."

He was right. There was no escape. They were cornered and the only way was to jump into that freezing water. The cliff was very high and Regan didn't know where she'd plunge if she jumped. But she didn't want to stay and die there, or worse get caught. Sirius looked enough ready to fight. It was like he was doing it for a living, like it was his job.

"You can have the whole kingdom with you," Sirius said, his tone menacing and mocking, "but I've faced worse."

The other man's grin widened, "You underestimate the rule of our prince, sorcerer. Hand us the girl and we'll leave."

"Over my dead body," Sirius growled.

They crashed again and he slashed through the men with rage, his movements deadly. Viggo's men were relentless though and they reached for Regan again. But she made her decision. She sprinted towards the edge of the cliff and jumped off, feelings a wave of strong nausea.

Sirius's eyes widened as she saw her and a man took advantage of him, slashing his sword at his arm. It was painful, but he ignored it, piercing the man's chest with his dagger. 

He turned away and quickly dived after Regan. He couldn't believe what the hell she was thinking to jump there. The sea was unforgiving and even if she knew how to swim, Sirius knew that the cold would kill her.

Viggo's men shouted and yelled as they saw Sirius jump after Regan, their expressions turning into shock. The leader hurried towards the edge, his eyes narrowing. There was no sight of them in the dark, wild ocean.

"Idiots," he murmured to himself, bringing a cigarette to his lips and lighting it up, "they're gonna die down there." He chuckled bitterly and turned back to his men, "We have to be sure. Search the waters and don't come back until you find their bodies. He must be whipped to go after her like that."

The men nodded and began to find a way from the cliff to the shore.

The coldness of the ocean was colder than anything we have ever called the sorcerer. It was like sharp knives digging into his flesh. But he had to find her. The waves were violent, making it even more difficult to find her in the dark and the icebergs floating in the water didn't help either. 

Finally, he caught a glimpse of her cloak underwater and swam towards it as strong as he could, his long strides cutting through the freezing sea. It was deadly icy but he swam as if it was a warm summer night. He reached her cloak and grabbed it, revealing her small figure.

She was sinking and he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, aiming to bring them to the surface. Her cloak fell in the process and disappeared into the sea abyss. She was unconscious, cold and he couldn't shake the worry that washed over him.

Finally, he brought her to the surface and then kicked harder to swim to the shore. The shore itself was as cold as the ocean. He laid Regan gently on the frozen sand. She was trembling even though unconscious. And the thin shirt she had on wasn't helping. He checked her pulse and it was there. Just her breath was shallow. 

He quickly removed his rich fur coat and wore it around her, and then cast a spell to warm her up. She coughed a little, water spilling out of her mouth. He held her up but she remained unconscious and shivering.

He knew that staying here would make matters worse. He lifted her up effortlessly and with a pray that his magic wasn't having one of its rare breaks, he chanted another teleportation spell. 

This time it worked and they went inside a small cabin where the fire was crackling loudly. There was a bed with blankets and a small kitchen across, with some herbs laying on the counter. It was his magic doing the job, because he didn't even know what this place was.

He laid Regan on the bed and tucked her in, hoping her temperature would get better. She was soaked and he could've changed her clothes using magic, but there wasn't anything for her to wear. 

He walked over to the kitchen and started preparing a herbal tea he knew would help warm her up. Anger and frustration gnawed at him. He didn't know why he saved her like that but he justified it by telling himself that she was his enemy and that he didn't want her to die. Because he was delusional enough to still think she could side with him.

She started coughing violently and he rushed to her side, holding her to sit. She had drank too much water. Her eyes were closed and he waited until the coughing stopped. Then he offered her the steaming tea, "Drink," he said firmly. She drank, the warm liquid spreading through her body like a warm blanket. She was half awake, thinking that this was a woman taking care of her.

But when her eyes opened, she saw Sirius and jerked back, her eyes widening, "W-what the hell are you doing?" she cracked, "Why are you so close?"

"You idiot," Sirius muttered, setting the cup down, "You jumped into the sea."

"I-I didn't do it to kill myself," Regan retorted, trying to create some resemblance of distance. He moved away, letting the cup on the table. "I did it because I didn't want to be at anyone's m-mercy," she continued, her voice trembling. "I knew how to swim."

"Of course you did," Sirius said with a scoff, "Even if you did, it was freezing cold there."

"I didn't need your help," Regan snapped. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering uncontrollably. He felt a sudden urge to hold her, but quickly banished the thought. What the hell was he thinking? It was absurd.

"Drink," he ordered, handing her the steaming cup again. His voice was cold but his eyes weren't. Regan took it begrudgingly and drank a sip. It was the best tea she had tasted. And that was absurd too. But the sea water she had drunk had been a mix of terrible salt and bitterness. It was like she had drunk poison.

"Foolish girl," he muttered again, "you could've died."

"I could've gotten rid of you and these perverts," Regan spat, her voice dripping with frustration. She eyed the cabin warily, deep down knowing she was being ungrateful. He had saved her life, after all. But she didn't think he did it out of some concern or pure intention.

"So you were willing to kill yourself just because that son of a bitch thought you were his?" Sirius's tone was sharp, his eyes searching hers for some sign of understanding.

"I'm not anyone's," Regan retorted, slamming the cup on the bedside table, "and I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm not some sort of weapon for you to use against Viggo. You have it personal with him and you got me in this mess."

"You can't blame me for everything that happens in your life," Sirius shot back sharply as he leaned against the wall with crossed arms. "You were not for him to see. And you shouldn't have done these things."

Regan's eyes flashed with anger, "I did it for Artemis," she snapped, "but you don't understand."

"Oh, I understand pretty well," he said with narrowed eyes, "But you don't know Artemis at all, my dear. She...."

"She what?"

"It doesn't matter," Sirius muttered.

"Tell me," Regan demanded, her voice impatient.

"She....she had a thing for me," he said, his voice filled with bitterness. "Years ago."

Regan's eyes widened. Artemis was her sister, married to Viggo and now had a thing for Sirius? It was shocking. What sort of relationships did these people have? Did everyone just betray everyone else? Still, she felt a surge of anger at his words.

The silence stretched uncomfortably but he didn't look at her.

"So you're saying you had an affair with my sister too?" Regan's voice was high and the jealousy in her eyes was unmistakable.

Sirius took a deep breath, regretting what he said. He hadn't mean to say it like that, but it had slipped out. "Like hell I did," he replied, his eyes flashing with anger, "I didn't say I had an affair with her. She was obsessed with me."

Regan's cheeks turned red with fury, "And what did you do to make her obsessed with you?" she snapped, pushing herself into a more seating position. Her chills had gone, replaced by the burning anger she felt for Sirius and Artemis as well. Her soaked clothes just added discomfort but she ignored it.

"I didn't do anything," Sirius retorted. "And it's not like I gave a fuck about her. And that's not why I have it personal with Viggo. It's not about Artemis," he added, his voice tight with unspoken emotions.

Regan's eyes narrowed, "Then why?" she demanded, the words cutting through the silence like a knife.

Sirius's gaze hardened, "It's none of your damn business," he said through clenched teeth. "You don't even get what their claim means."

"What does it mean then?" Regan spat, her voice shaking with anger. She knew exactly what it meant but the audacity of this man to point out others claims and not say anything about his own, was maddening.

"Mating," he said reluctantly, averting his eyes, "It's breeding. They saw you as a pretty little vessel to fulfill their sick needs." 

Regan's heart skipped a beat. She knew that Viggo was a creep and he's try to force himself on her sooner or later, of course, if she was foolish enough to not defend herself. But....breeding?

"And you think I don't know that?" she retorted, not wanting to seem grateful of being told about the vampire's intentions. "You think the world I've stayed is a place of unicorns and sunshines? You think humans are angels? They all do that. The only difference is that they focus on getting laid and having fun, instead of what you call breeding," she said, enjoying the look of discomfort on his face.

But then Regan got awkward when she realized what she said. The conversation had gotten too....raw, too personal. She shouldn't be saying these things, especially at him, a dark lord who was just like Viggo, if not worse. What she thought anyway.

"It's not a big deal," Regan added quicky, noticing a flicker of anger in his eyes. But her words seemed to fuel it.

"You dare say it's not a big deal?!" Sirius's voice thundered in the cabin and Regan felt a rush of fear through her. She pulled the blanker closer to her.

"It's not a big deal for you or him," she said, her voice quieter.

Sirius strode towards her and grabbed her arm, which was cold from the soaked sleeve. His hand slid up to her neck and he squeezed gently, not enough to hurt but enough to show the threat, "You mistake me, girl," he growled, his thumb stroking her pulse point, "I've never...."

He didn't finish it because Regan hit his arm, where one of Viggo's men had struck earlier. She didn't know but he let out a sharp hiss and retreated, releasing her.

"Don't you dare touch me," Regan snapped, rubbing at her neck where the warmth of his hand lingered. It reminded her of her haunting dreams on that bloody roses forest, where he chased her and then tried to choke her.

"Fine," he grunted, turning away, "I didn't mean to scare you, kitten," his voice was sort of gentle and it caught her off guard.

Regan sighed in frustration. She didn't want to hear anything more about these claims and affairs, about breeding and power. She wanted to be free from all of this mess. But there was nowhere to go. She had no home, no family, no one.

She stood up from the bed, and reached to the wooden door, but Sirius grabbed her arm, holding her back. "You're not going anywhere. You're soaked in water."

Regan looked down at herself and realized what she was wearing. She was wearing Sirius's cloak. As soon as she saw it, she removed it immediately and threw it at him. "You stay away from me," she spat, her teeth chattering from the cold.

Sirius sighed, "For God's sake, stop being so stubborn," he said, his voice filled with frustration.

"You don't tell me what to do," Regan snapped. She opened the cabin's door, exposing herself to the harsh cold. It was snowing and the snowflakes were as big as a tree leaf. The cabin was in a forest with frozen grass and trees, but the city didn't seem far. Actually, the buildings seemed just a few hundreds of meters away.

"You're insane," he murmured, following her out into the cold. "You're in danger and you're out here in wet clothes like it's a summer day."

Regan's anger boiled over. She grabbed a snowball and threw it straight on Sirius's face. "I'm not going anywhere with you," she shouted.

Sirius wiped the snow from his eyes, his expression a mix of amusement and frustration, "Come here, little kitten," he said firmly, taking a step towards her.

"No," Regan said through chattering teeth, taking a step back. The cold was unbearable, but she was too stubborn to admit defeat. "I'm not going anywhere with-"

But before she could finish, an arr

ow whizzed through the air, embedding itself in the snow between her feet. Regan's eyes widened in fear, realizing someone was attacking them. "They're here," she said in panic.