Regan woke up in a start, her head spinning with a black vision. Was she even alive? Her mind was dull, her hands, legs, they were numb. She felt like she was floating in air, her eyes slamming shut tightly to wash away the temporary blindness.
The memories didn't elude her for long. They flooded through her mind, washing away whatever blankness had been there. It hit her as a wave of tornado, and she hoped she hadn't remembered at all.
Regan didn't open her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to feel her own body. She was tied to a chair, she realized. Her mind flashed with the worst thoughts. Was she tortured? Or was she dead?
"Cornelia?" A low, trembling voice made her eyes flutter open. Her vision wasn't black, still blurry nonetheless, but she could make out things in the dimly lit room. And when she saw that beside her was Iris, tied to her own chair, her eyes widened.
"Iris, what are you doing here?" Regan's voice was hoarse but the fear and confusion was palpable. "Did they capture you too?"
Iris nodded frantically, "Yeah, they did." Her eyes and cheeks were glistering with tears, her body trembling slightly. Regan's eyes scanned the room with precision, realizing it was actually a large chamber. With walls adorned in dark blue, torches hanging with candles, floor of expensive wood. She looked across, the tall, imposing throne standing out, carved from the same dark wood, resting gracefully over the four stairs. The plush was made of blue velvet. A luxurious place that contrasted sharply with how Regan had been living these days. At least it didn't look like a playroom.
Anyway, a frown formed in Regan's face as she realized to who the throne belonged to. It was empty, but it made her blood run cold.
"Iris, where are we?" she whispered, although she knew where they were.
Iris took a shaky breath, her voice shaking, "We-we're in his castle. When I woke up, they were dragging me here. Later on, he brought you here himself," she revealed, darting her eyes around.
Regan's frown deepened, "How? How was I brought here?"
Iris swallowed nervously, "Well...uh...he-he carried you...." Her voice trailed off, and Regan could tell she was shivering. "He...just...brought you here and t-tied you."
Regan's anger bubbled and she could feel her forehead veins popping. How could he carry her there? He had no right to touch her. It made her even more furious than she was. She knew she had to keep calm but her anger was getting the best of her.
"I'm going to kill him," she said through gritted teeth. She struggled to free but the ropes where tight and unyielding. She looked down and she was still wearing the dirty military uniform. It stuck to her skin, making her feel dirty.
"He started asking me questions about Jack and you," Iris said after a while, trying to keep calm, "I said we were friends, but he wasn't convinced, he was furious."
Regan struggled against her bindings but it only made the rope dig further on her wrists, "You should've said you didn't know me at all! I told you at the camp, Iris! You should've ran away, but you kept following me."
"I swear, I was hiding," Iris retorted, her voice slightly steadier as she watched Regan struggle with the rope, "But they still found me, Cornelia. And not only me. Jack, Raven and many others."
"Of course, he'll use them for leverage," Regan muttered, "And for his sick games."
The silence fell between the two of them for a moment that stretched too long, before Iris broke it, clearing up her throat, looking as if she was about to say something forbidden, "Okay....I know I shouldn't be saying this but....he...he is so...s-so...."
"So what?" Regan asked, turning to see her.
Iris's voice was shaking as she tried to speak, "I don't want to say it. You'll get mad."
"You started saying it. What?" Regan insisted, getting inpatient, "Spill it already."
Iris closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "He...he's...really...very handsome, very beautiful!" she blurted out, her face flushing red.
Regan froze for a moment, but then her already building anger reached another peak. She tried to control her breathing, not liking how Iris was talking about Sirius, "Handsome?!" she snapped, her voice filled with a mix of anger and confusion, "Iris are you out if your mind?! He brought us here, he brought you here, and God knows what he'll do, and now you're calling him handsome?"
Iris flinched at her friend's harsh words, "Well, what's wrong to acknowledge?" she said, her voice small, "I mean, you don't get kidnapped by beautiful creatures everyday."
The irony was no lost on Regan, she herself had thought and still did think him as attractive, but she didn't want to admit that to anyone. And with Iris here, getting all flustered, it wasn't helping
"Iris, stop blushing! You're being ridiculous. We have to get the hell out of here, not talk about his looks."
"I know we have to get out of here! I'm not saying I fell in love with him," Iris shot back, her voice frustrated as well, "I mean, I'm just acknowledging a beautiful creature. It's not a big deal. Does he....does he have a girlfriend?"
Regan could feel her irritation growing second by second, "Why should we care? Does it even help us? No, it doesn't. And he doesn't have one, he has many."
"I didn't said concubine, I said girlfriend," Iris retorted, not keeping her own annoyance from her expression.
"And where's the difference?" Regan snapped at her, "Here's not even a difference between an ally and a mistress, let alone a concubine and a girlfriend. And they all live here, I've seen them."
"Maybe they're imprisoned. Maybe they're scared, like us," Iris suggested, her voice barely a whisper.
"They're not," Regan replied, her expression sure, voice steady, "They're so low and shallow, they sell themselves for that bastard. They live in luxury and are his slaves, concubines, whatever you call it. They don't differientate, Iris." As she said those words, she felt even worse. She wished she could say it straight on his face, instead of in hidden meanings. She wished she could spat all this out to him, this thing that had been bothering her like crazy.
"And what if don't have a choice?" Iris said, her voice with a challenging edge, "What if they're forced? You think girls have a choice when it comes to harems, playrooms, whatever you're talking about?"
Regan's eyes widened slightly at Iris's blatant words, "Well, they're not forced, Iris," she countered fiercely, her voice too loud for the liking. "They have a choice. They can leave. But they don't want to. They beg for it and then act like they're innocent. They're disgusting. I hate them all. I fucking hate them. I want them burnt in hell."
Iris's face was a mix of fear and frustration at Regan's words, and she just sighed, "We're arguing over nothing," she said with a low voice, "What if we end up the same? What if we're forced?"
The thought made Regan feel nauseous. She'd rather die than be part of that sick, disgusting thing, "I'd rather die than be part of that," she replied, gritting her teeth.
"He looks to beautiful to do that, still," Iris mumbled to herself but Regan heard it. How could she continue saying that?
"Iris, look. I know you're scared and perhaps they've drugged you too and twisted your senses. But you should collect yourself. Fine, he's beautiful. Happy now?" Regan snapped, not believing what she had even said. "But we can't just sit here like fools and talk about-"
"You called me beautiful?" A gruff voice interrupted her. Both girls flinched and turned, only to see no other than the one who had kidnapped them standing before them. He looked just as handsome as ever, with his sharp features and piercing blue eyes. His hair fell on his face, obscuring his expression as he ran his fingers through it. He was wearing imperial attire in burgundy, hanging around him perfectly.
Regan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. She wanted to vanish, disappear into thin air as she noticed he was coming near. She had said it only to reason with Iris. He didn't have to hear it.
"Answer me, you called me beautiful?" He demanded, looking at Regan.
Regan frowned, feeling helpless and angry, "No, I didn't!"
He smirked, "Liar."
Before Regan could react, he was already kneeling in front of her. She wanted to move away from him, but the ropes held her tight.
"I heard you, Princess. You called me beautiful."
"I did not!" Regan repeated, her cheeks crimson. She struggled against the ropes again, but it was no use.
"Lies. Only lies," he drawled, smirking at her.
Iris looked from one to the other, unsure what to say or do. She didn't know why he was calling her princess.
"You're so full of yourself," Regan snapped, her voice filled with hatred. "Those who are truly beautiful don't brag about it and don't say it," she added, every single word filled with disdain.
He studied her for a moment longer before finally standing up.
"I'll agree on that. But I wasn't bragging about it." He chucked, "I didn't even say I was beautiful. You did." He looked down at her, his eyes shining with amusement.
Iris took a deep breath, trying to diffuse the tension she was guilty for, "Well.... she-she really didn't. I mean we were talking about one of my friends," she said, trying to sound cool and confident, her eyes darting back to Regan.
Regan shot her a glare.
"Your friend?" He turned to Iris, his menacing gaze now on her, "Who's this friend?" His voice was cold as ice.
Iris gulped nervously, trying to shake it off, "M-my lord, It's not important, really" she shrugged, letting out a dry chuckle.
"It is important!" Sirius thundered, his tone making Iris flinch. "It is important when she calls someone else beautiful!"
But Regan had enough of it. "Don't you have enough people calling you beautiful that now you want your enemies to call you beautiful too?"
Sirius's eyes shot at her, filled with a cold masking emotion, "You're playing a dangerous game, Regan," he warned, his steps echoing in the silence, "But be aware that two can play your game."
"Regan?" Iris said, her eyebrows furrowing with confusion.
Regan didn't say anything and Sirius sat on his throne, crossing his legs and eyeing them both with narrowed eyes.
"Well, so....Skye," he drawled, "Or should I call you Cornelia, Regan? Who are you of these three? You seem to have many identities. Interesting."
Regan didn't answer, while her friend was looking at her weirdly. She knew that he was going to spill her secrets, but she didn't want to think about it anymore.
"So....Skye," he began once more, a smirk tugging on his lips, "Where are you from? I've never seen you before," he said, feigning innocence.
Regan still refused to speak, and turned her head to the other side. She still couldn't swallow the shame of him hearing she called him beautiful.
He looked at Iris then, "What do you say, girl?"
Iris swallowed hard, trying to sound braver than she was, "Sh-she is just my friend."
Sirius's smile was mocking, "Ah, of course she's your friend. That's why you're both here. Friends help each other, don't they?"
Iris didn't know what to say. Regan stayed silent, barely contained her anger.
"But she's not only a friend," he continued, "She's not Skye, not someone raised in the wild, and neither a maid in my palace either," he looked at Regan, his smirk growing at her furious expression. "She's Yloria. The heiress of Avalon."
His words were like a slap on the face for them. Regan felt the guilt build denser inside her. He had exposed her to Iris. Iris's expression was shocked.
"Is this true?" she whispered at Regan, her eyes wide.
Regan took a deep breath, "Yes, it is. I'm so sorry for lying to you," she whispered back, her voice shaking with regret.
"Ah, the lies between friends," Sirius said sarcastically as he watched them both. "How does it feel Iris? To be lied by your friend? And you, Ylor, how does it feel to have your lies exposed?"
"I'm not exposed," Regan finally snapped, struggling against the ropes, "I don't owe you any explanation."
"What is Avalon?" Iris suddenly asked in pure confusion. Regan didn't know how she took the truth.
"Oh, you don't know that? Too bad. Avalon is a kingdom I got rid of, and it left another problem for me. I killed them, thinking it was the end of it. But it wasn't. She survived and now she's here. Ironic, isn't it?"
He paused for a moment, leaning back on his throne, enjoying Regan's expression, "You see, I killed her family. And then, I did so many other things. I thought she died as well, but she was alive, somehow."
"Shut your fucking mouth!" Regan shouted, her voice strained from the struggling, "Don't you dare talk about my family!"
"Oh, but you lied your friend, didn't you? Admit it, Skye. Or should I call you Cornelia? Regan? You have so many names, it's hard for anyone to recognize you anymore."
Regan gritted her teeth, fire burning in her veins too hot, too potent, "Just stop this bullshit already. You're not here to tell stories. Now what are you going to do? Are you going to do what you wanted to do earlier?" she accused, her voice as sharp as a razor.
"What did I want to do earlier?" He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head.
"Oh, you're acting innocent now? We both know what you want to do. You're a male after all," Regan spat, and she could feel her face becoming red with anger, her chest filling with a pang of contempt and disappointment.
Sirius's eyebrows furrowed, "What?"
"Nevermind. You're disgusting," Regan retorted, cursing herself for even dragging the words to this point. Why did she have to say that now?
But Sirius wasn't convinced. He stood up from his throne and slowly approached her again with narrowed eyes.
"Say it," he demanded.
"Say what?" Regan asked, trying to keep her composure.
"You know what I mean, Ylor," Sirius said as he brushed her hair away from her face and then grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. He knelt down in front of her and Regan could see her own reflection in his eyes. She blushed embarrassingly and tried to jerk her face away but it was no use.
Iris watched them, her expression painted with curiosity now. What was going on?
"You're an idiot," he said quietly, his eyes holding a tinge of hurt.
"You're the idiot!" Regan spat, struggling against his grip.
"You know what?" he said, leaning closer to her face, "You have no idea what you're saying. You just a little girl who thinks she knows everything. But you don't. You don't know anything about me or what I want."
"And what is it that you want?" Regan asked, and then regretted asking that. She was afraid of the answer.
He leaned back a little. "What do I want? What a great question. But why do you care what I want, Ylor? What is it to you?"
Regan's words faded in her throat. She didn't know what to say and averted her eyes away. The action itself was so cute that he felt a sudden urge to, what was he thinking? It was neither the time or the plan for that.
"I'm just curious," Regan muttered awkwardly.
"How delightful," he drawled, sounding pleased with her response, "but I'm not going to entertain your useless thoughts about me. You can think whatever you want, it doesn't change your position here." He let go of her chin with more reluctance that he intended to, and turned back, looking at Iris with a cruel expression.
"Now," he mused, "let's take a look at your friend."
Regan felt a wave of anger, panic and fear wash over her. She could see his expression had turned stern, cold and merciless obviously, "So, you're the other fool who dared to defy me?" he growled.
Iris flinched, but tried to not sound scared, "I-I didn't do anything. I just wanted freedom. It was my homeland." She tried to sound strong, but it came out as a squeak.
"Ah, you've got lessons from your friend." He glanced at Regan from the corner of his eye. "But you know, these lessons lead to death and misery. You should have stayed out of this."
"Don't hurt her. It wasn't her fault. I led the rebellion." Regan intervened, trying to get Iris out of the situation. "I'm the one who started it all," she said, her voice shaking with fear and regret.
"I know what you did," he retorted coolly, "but since she's your friend, she's involved in this as well."
Iris glanced at Regan, her expression filled with fear and panic. "But we just wanted justice. Please, let us go. Please," she pleaded.
Sirius laughed menacingly, "You should've known better, girl. You shouldn't have listened to your friend," he said, his tone cold and unforgiving.
"Let her go!" Regan yelled furiously. "She's not the one you should be after."
"Shut up and stay where you are, daughter of Cortez," he snapped back to Regan. "But, if you don't want to hurt your friend...well, there's a way. Surrender. Give up, and maybe I'll show some mercy."
"I'll never surrender to you, Sirius!" Regan hissed. She knew Iris was in danger but she couldn't just give up now. She had come too far and lost too much. "You'll have to kill me first," she stated, trying to sound strong and fearless.
"Oh, really? What if I have other plans? What if I don't want to kill you?" he challenged, his blue gaze boring on hers. Regan looked away, unable to hold it anymore. It was a game he knew too well, making her always drop her eyes first.
"Just let us go! We swear we aren't going to mess with you again," Iris cracked, her voice a tiny whisper.
Sirius ignored her, looking at Regan, "So? What do you say? Your pride or your friend?"
"I won't let you harm her," Regan said through gritted teeth, "I'll make you pay for everything you're doing. I'll make you pay for knowing me." Her words came out fierce and determined, but she felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she spoke.
"Ah, the bold words. And how are you going to do that? Right now, your powers are drained. You're in my chamber and you have no other allies." Sirius walked over to her and wiped that tear off, stroking her cheek lightly. "Oh yes, you're the heroine. But that doesn't mean a thing here."
Regan recoiled, wishing she could punch him.
"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Iris shouted, her voice surprisingly brave. "She's done nothing but helped us! She's the one who should be free!"
Sirius chuckled darkly, "Oh, the love between friends. It's sweet, isn't it? But it doesn't matter." With a cold detachment, he flicked his wrist at Iris, unleashing a powerful dark spell that sent her flying backward, crashing against the wall. She gasped for air, her eyes wide with pain and fear.
"You bastard!" Regan hissed, struggling to snatch the ropes, "You're going to regret this."
He smirked, "Regret? Regret what, Ykor? For making you see the truth?" he stepped closer again, "You think these people are stupid?" His voice was now cold and filled with something else, something she didn't bother to decipher, "You think they don't know how to use the opportunity? Their rebellion would've been nothing without you. They used your own hate and compassion against you, and see where you are now."
Despite the tone of his words, Regan couldn't deny that they weren't entirely lies. She had found herself pushed into all this at first, and had thought it as being leveraged, or used for her powers. But no one had forced her to burn down that place anyway. And even Iris, who had been all about the rebellion at first, had trembled like a leaf at the verge and during it.
Iris now actually, was trying to stand up from the ground, her head spinning. Her whole body ached, but she could hear their words. She managed to steady herself and tried to get closer to the door, while Sirius's focus was on Regan. But then he sensed and with a flick of his fingers, two bulky men barged in the room.
"Guards, take this girl to her place," he ordered, pointing at Iris. The guards did as told, grabbing Iris roughly away. Her protests faded as the door closed with a loud thud.