Regan approached the pedestal, her pulse racing in her ears as her hand reached slowly, hovering in the air above the hilt. The blade was sharp, glinting with an ethereal blue light that mirrored the color of her eyes. Regan had no idea how she was going to open the portals to Oblivion, but she had to.

Her hand touched the hilt slightly, an immediate current of energy coursing from her fingers to her arm, making her flinch. Her hand wrapped around the hilt, the sword feeling much heavier than it had looked. She didn't know what to do with that now, but there would surely be a way to use it and open the portals.

The cold, chilly air was seeping through her cloak but she ignored it, focusing on the task in hand. Her eyes caught a faded, barely there inscription in the pedestal, but there were no words. Only a faint symbol of a sword buried in a rock, but Regan couldn't see anything like this in there.

Her mind working fast, she decided to scan the walls for any possible entrance or mechanism. She found nothing in them. They weren't even real walls, they were pass through and she didn't dare try to see what lay behind them.

The pedestal. Maybe there was something hidden there. She turned back, her eyes narrowing, searching for anything in the rough, white surface. She nearly slipped on a tile, and that's when it happened. The pedestal shifted slightly when she applied pressure on it. It was movable.

With a deep breath, Regan tried to push the pedestal with as much as force she could. The ground began to shake and groan, decayed dust and air from thousand years rising up as the pedestal revealed a hidden stone structure, with a small, narrowed gap in the center. 

Regan's mind raced, but she didn't have any other idea. The sword's blade seemed fitting for the gap, and she aligned it there, the sword sliding down with surprising ease.

But with that, the passable walls, the stone, the sword and anything else, they all began to shake, the tremors sending a stab of fear in Regan's whole. But she waited, didn't panic. She couldn't afford that, not after all she had been through.

Her hand didn't leave the hilt as the air grew charged with magic, feeling a powerful surge of energy course from the hilt up to her hand and arm. But the blue light wasn't there anymore, a black mist took place, the blue veins of hers turning to visible dark lines, and she could feel her arm tighten. Regan immediately released the sword, her heart pounding.

The mist slowly raised, the air getting charged with electricity, dangerous sparks floating, until the mass twisted around itself, forming a large, swirling energy in front of her. It was devoid, like a black hole that could swallow her whole. The dark lines faded slightly in her arm, and Regan watched with a mix of fear and awe. She had no idea what lay behind it, but she had to hold onto the braveness that had led her here.

She took a cautious step forward, her hand reaching for the sword hilt again. The ground was still shaking, and the hilt's pressure was a lot. But she couldn't shake the fear of what could lay on the other side. The sword could be of great use. 

She reached to pull the sword out of the structure, hoping the portal wouldn't disappear. It gladly didn't and Regan waisted no opportunity. She jumped to the portal, her vision swimming with dark spots as she felt her lungs empty out of air. She landed on something cold and harsh, and her eyes opened, the dizziness blinding them temporarily.

When they got clearer, she saw a place she didn't recognize of course. The sky above her was a dark ominous grey that seemed to release a certain mist around her. She could barely make up a path, but she could see a massive mountain range in the distance, looming like a sleeping beast.

There was no sound other than her unsure steps, which quickened, her grip on the sword tight. How was she going to find her mother here?

The mist danced around her legs as she walked, like an invisible chain of smoke trying to tie her to the cracked ground. Regan covered her nose, the air a mix of sulphur and something else that made her throw up. This smelled like death and the fact that her mother was prisoned somewhere here, sent a chill of terror through her. 

But she had to keep going.

The mist grew even thicker, obscuring her vision with both the smell and the sight. Regan coughed, her steps turning almost into a run. It was difficult to navigate, but slowly, ever so slowly, she began to see the outline of a building stretching up the sky. With a flicker of hope, she followed, the building's outline eerily appearing much more farther as she did. 

She ended up in a small clearing, circled with ancient ruins. They looked like they belonged to a long-forgotten civilization, with grotesque and twisted shapes, walls covered in moss and inscriptions. But their language was something Regan couldn't figure out. She passed by them cautiously, the sword ready for anything dangerous.

Suddenly, she heard a distant howl, and it sent a shiver down her spine. So there were creatures here.

The ruins seemed to go on forever, but the building's outline had come closer to her reach. The mist was a suffocating smoke of despair and dullness, but Regan managed.

The building finally appeared, a massive, imposing fortress guarded by tall, strong walls and an enormous gate. There was nothing fascinating about the place nonetheless, only a calm chillness that reached Regan's core. 

She walked towards the fortress, hearing her heartbeat quicken with each step. The ruins provided some cover as she realized that the gate was secured with two figures, two terrific figures, with bodies of a human and heads of a lion. Regan's breath caught as she heard their low, hushed words spoken in thick accent. Their words grew louder and she realized that they were starting to argue in a harsh, guttural tone.

Taking a deep breath, Regan tried to move with caution around, hoping to spot another entrance. She thought of using her fire magic to create a distraction but it was risky. Her mind was running, and she knew she had to face them. Either by force, either by word.

Stepping out from behind the monolith, she approached them slowly, her sword still sheathed. The creatures' heads snapped in her direction, their eyes widening in surprise and shock. One of them growled and took a step, its heavy sword swinging as it threw the step. Regan didn't cower, despite the fear chilling within her.

"I've come here for my mother," she spoke, her voice loud and clear, though by their animalistic expression, she knew how little to not at all they understood her. Without warning, one of the monsters lunged forward, its claws extended, reaching for her. Regan cast a protective shield around her, her breath turning quick.

The creature growled in surprise and confusion, but it didn't stop advancing even after it hit the shield. Regan raised one hand, forming a fireball and throwing it to hit the creature. But it barely damaged, it blocked the attack with its own metallic shield, and the fireball changed course, nearly hitting Regan herself.

So she had to be strategic with them. The other monster had approached, its nostrils flaring with anger. They now both lunged forward, but Regan dashed her sword, its strong mystical energy emitting enough force to throw them back. 

Regan's eyes widened slightly as she saw the sword's blade wasn't anymore blue. It was red, with a crimson smoke dancing around it, fiery hot to her touch. Was it manifesting her powers? But she didn't fully register the revelation.

The monster turned back, a predatory stance, rushing to her to strike and pounce. Regan dodged, trying to go for their underbellies. They were fast and strong, but she was also quick and determined. As one of them jumped to attack her, she sidestepped and then spun around, slashing at its back legs.

The creature let out a roar of pain and anger, but didn't go down easily. It tried to stab her with its sword, forcing her to dodge and parry.

In the meantime, the other creature had recovered and was now circling around her, looking for an opening. Regan could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she kept her focus on both of them. They both started to circle her with an animalistic hunger, and she cast another protective shield around her.

But one of the creatures, it brought the sword down with so much force that the barrier broke, forcing Regan to retreat. She knew she had to attack now more than to just defend.

Her eyes never left theirs and when one aimed again with a growl, she drifted down, going for a quick strike, slashing at its back. The creature hissed in pain, the fiery sword burning at its torn armor. But she didn't relent, she pulled the sword back and forth, carving deep gashes into its flesh.

A sharp pain shot through her as she realized the other creature had managed to pierce her clothes with its sword. Regan hadn't forgotten it was there. She gritted her teeth, swallowing the pain. She had to end this quickly.

With her free hand, she threw a fireball at the creature who was behind her. It missed, but the distraction was enough for her to thrust the burning blade into its chest. The creature collapsed to the ground, defeated.

She turned to face the first creature, which was still alive but injured. It snarled at her, eyes glowing red with anger and pain. But it seemed too weak to attack now.

Regan took a deep breath and looked at the other lion-like man, who was laying on the ground. It didn't look dead but it wasn't going to be standing now. She returned on her track, her eyes working with precision to find a way to climb. 

There were some gaps between the bricks and she was going to use to to her advantage. She placed her hands on the cold, rough surface, the gate now feeling higher than ever. She had to use every bit of her strength and agility to reach the top, something she had never done before. But now the adrenaline and determination was fueling up her movements. Finally, she managed to pull her bodg up and stood on the edge of the gate.

As she looked around, the fortress looked even more intimidating and scary. It was made of only grey brick with few squared windows, making it look like a mental asylum. There was no sign of any other creature moving around. Regan wasn't sure where she was going to enter from. She held her sword tight while seeking for the entrance.