The Lost

The day at school starts like any other for Ethan, but the weight of his secret mission gnaws at him, making every moment feel like an eternity. As he sits in class, his mind races with thoughts of "Elysium" and the danger it poses to the world.

Finally, the lunch bell rings, and Ethan seizes the opportunity to slip away from the prying eyes of his classmates. Making his way to the restroom, he hopes to find a moment of solitude to collect his thoughts.

But as he enters the empty hallway, a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, blocking his path. Before Ethan can react, he feels a sharp blow to the back of his head, and everything goes black.

When he regains consciousness, Ethan finds himself in a dimly lit room, his hands bound behind his back and a gag in his mouth. Panic rises within him as he struggles against his restraints, but his efforts are futile.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and a group of masked figures enter the room, their faces obscured by darkness. Ethan's heart races as he realizes that he's been kidnapped, but he has no idea why or by whom.

One of the masked figures steps forward, his voice cold and menacing. 

???: "You've been poking around where you don't belong, Ethan," he says,

???: "And now, your curiosity has put your friends in danger." his words dripping with malice. 

Ethan's blood runs cold as he realizes the true extent of the danger, he's in. But even as fear grips him, he refuses to let his captors see his weakness.

Ethan: "What do you want from me?!"

Ethan manages to choke out, his voice muffled by the gag.

The masked figure smiles, a cruel twist of his lips. 

???: "We want you to stop digging into 'Elysium, and if you don't, your friends will pay the price." he says.

With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Ethan knows that he's trapped between a rock and a hard place. But even as despair threatens to consume him, he refuses to give up hope.

With a steely resolve, Ethan vows to find a way out of his predicament and save his friends from whatever fate awaits them. Little does he know, the road ahead will be fraught with danger and deception, and the true face of evil lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike.

But with his friends counting on him and a determination burning in his chest, Ethan is ready to face whatever challenges come his way in pursuit of justice and truth. And so, with the determination of a true hero, he sets out to confront the darkness that lies ahead, knowing that the fate of the world hangs in the balance.