Chapter 4: Bad to peace

In the day, everyone still continue the job.

They do


-varo,Kenzie,Farhan,galih are saving the property

-ezra,ibnu,rafa are the host,co host and staff.

Because there is register a military P4B


-al,Bumi,garniwa,Atharizz are finding it

-prabu,arsha,Kenzie will ready for next war

-zacky and ziqie are making a weapon for the next war



In varo,Farhan,Kenzie and galih are arrived at the underground 15 floor


Farhan (P4B):(very dizzy) galih you said it won't dizzy. But why is so very dizzy

Galih (P4B):hehe I always ride this lift so for me it won't dizzy at all

Varo and Kenzie (P4B):WHY ARE YOU DIDN'T SAID BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!

Galih (P4B):hehe sorry

Farhan (P4B):ok then know where is the treasure vault?

Galih (P4B):follow me.

In Ezra,ibnu and rafa. They do the register military. For the register people there are

-Nio. Reason:because he want to revenge with Kenzie P4A

-Adam. Reason: because he need money for his parent sick

-Farras. Reason:because he want to do whatever he want


Ezra (P4B):hello in the sun of the day would I ask for your ID card

???:yeah sure

Ezra (P4B):thanks now you wait here and I check your ID card. Please wait.


Rafa (P4B):wanna coffee?

???:ya sure

Ezra (P4B):hey rafa come here

Rafa (P4B):OK!! Wait ya

(Rafa running to id service room)

Rafa (P4B):yeah?

Ezra (P4B):look.

Rafa (P4B):Nio, and why?

Ezra (P4B):have you watch racing horse?.

Rafa (P4B): is it Kenzie riding a horse with Nio- WAIT WHAT !!?!?!!

Ezra (P4B):yeah that one and I still remember they both fighting each other

Rafa (P4B):because of what?

Ezra (P4B):I don't know but they both angry and fighting each other

Rafa (P4B):oh so that's why Nio reason for join our military is for that. But wait, if Nio want to revenge then Kenzie join P4A military

Kenzie (P4B):Is somebody calling me?

Rafa (P4B): no

Kenzie (P4B):oh ok

Ezra (P4B):Good answer. Know I already have an idea for Revenge

Citizen:Ahhhhhh help us please !!!!!!!!!!!

Ezra (P4B):enemy came ready

Ezra (P4B) walkie talkie: everyone take place for the next fight. Hey four boys (P4B), have you done to save it?

Galih (P4B) walkie talkie:done sir but we still in the building. Because there are lot of people from P4C are finding us

Ezra (P4B) walkie talkie: WHAT??? Ok you guys stay there and don't go anywhere. We're going to fight P4A team

Prabu (P4A):Hey, zip your mouth up

Arsha (P4A):ya true

Kenzie (P4A):hey you, what are you doing here

Nio (P4B):Kenzie, Shut tuff F#cq up

Kenzie (P4A):you are little of peanut hiyyaaa!!!! (Slash the katana)

Nio (P4B):shut upppp (slash the katana)


Nio (P4B):Grrrrr!!!!!!!

Prabu (P4A):hey you take this (slash katana)

Ezra (P4B): (hold the katana) thanks

Prabu (P4A):No no no..... Please

Arsha (P4A):maybe you should use another way to said it.

Ibnu (P4B):hey look at there

Arsha (P4A):huh?

Ibnu (P4B):easy to bring climate

Arsha (P4A):(dodge) you said what?

Ibnu (P4B) mind:why I'm so dumb

Arsha (P4A):you dumb oh ok then (slash katana clearly to ibnu (P4B))

Ibnu (P4B):ughhh how can you read my mind

Arsha (P4A):ahha secret

Ibnu (P4A): aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is suck.

Arsha (P4A):wanna said let me cook huh?

Ibnu (P4B):😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 your strategy is so very strong.

Arsha (P4A): that's why you must to learn how to speak correct with the meaning.

Ibnu (P4B):are we learning English or we continue the fight.

Arsha (P4A):damn I forgot. We have to fight not learning English

Ibnu (P4B):so that's why use your logic to speak

Arsha (P4A):are we learning society or continue the fight

Ibnu (P4B):damn I forgot. We have to fight not learning society

Arsha (P4A):oh ok here I come

In team boys P4B they hide in galih building and P4C are finding for someone to help (but team boy P4B were didn't realize it)

Varo (P4B) whisper:hey galih,when we go outside?

Galih (P4B) whisper:I don't know

Kenzie (P4B) whisper:so what do we have to do know

Farhan (P4B) whisper:oh I know maybe we should to go that room (CCTV room) and we check what they said in outside

Varo (P4B)whisper:then when we go outside

Farhan (P4B) whisper:hmm idk

Varo,Kenzie (P4B) whisper: damnit

Galih (P4B) whisper:oh guys I know. How about we ready for fight. We've done saving the property right so that means we can do anything. Ya anything means fighting. True?

Varo,Kenzie and farhan (P4B) whisper:true

Galih (P4B) whisper:if I said one we go outside. Wait btw have you guys hold katana

Kenzie,varo,Farhan (P4B):yes

Galih (P4B):ok 3.... 2... 1

Four boys (P4B):stop right there

??? (P4C):why? We not attacking you four at all. We want to find cactus randus

Farhan (P4B):cactus randus and who are you guys?

Dio (P4C): I'm Dio and this is my friends Akira and Akbar

Akira and Akbar (P4C):hi P4B

Dio (P4C):oh ya cactus randus is a special cactus that have V11 and V11 is type of vitamin that for weapon or like poison.

(⚠️Warning:cactus randus is not real at all and there are no V11 or vitamin 11. This is just imagination. So please don't take this seriously)

Kenzie (P4B):oh like that by the way sorry for no politeness.

Akbar (P4C):politeness costs nothing

Farhan (P4B):is sometimes polite must to buy like Rp10.000 ?

Akbar (P4C): no politeness costs nothing means a small effort that can bring significant benefit.

Kenzie (P4B):So our small effort can bring big benefits?

Akira (P4C): correct. Now you guys get it

Galih (P4B):hmm I think I know where were the cactus randus is.

Akira, Akbar,Dio (P4C):where is it?

Galih (P4B): everyone follow me

To be continue...