Chapter 136: Echoes of the Past

The air in Neon City felt electric, the kind of charge that pricks the skin and whispers of impending storm. Max leaned against the cold brick wall of a narrow alley, the city's neon glow casting a kaleidoscope of colors across his face. His eyes, shadowed and intense, scanned the street as Violet approached, her steps quick and deliberate.

"Got it," she said, slipping a flash drive into his hand. "Everything from Graves' safe. This is our ticket."

Max pocketed the drive, his mind already spinning with plans. "We need to get this to the precinct. But Graves won't let us just walk in."

Violet nodded, her expression grim. "He's got the whole city under his thumb. But we have one advantage—Elena."

The mention of Elena brought a flood of memories. She had been his partner, his confidant, and now, the linchpin in their fight against Graves. The betrayal still stung, but they needed her to finish this.