Chapter 157: Shadows and Echoes

The rain hammered the city, a relentless downpour that turned the streets into rivers of grime. Neon lights reflected in puddles, casting a sickly glow over the alleyways. Max stood under a flickering streetlight, the brim of his fedora casting a shadow over his eyes. His coat was soaked through, but he didn't care. The cold was nothing compared to the storm brewing inside him.

Vargas was in custody, but his cryptic words still echoed in Max's mind. "You don't even know the half of it." There was more to this, something deeper, something they hadn't yet uncovered. And Max couldn't shake the feeling that the answers lay somewhere in his past, buried beneath layers of betrayal and regret.

He lit a cigarette, the flame briefly illuminating his weathered face. As he inhaled, the smoke mingled with the rain, creating a ghostly haze. He took a final drag before flicking the butt into the gutter. It was time to face his demons.