Chapter 164: Unmasking the Shadow

Max leaned against the bar in Rocco's, the dive he'd always retreated to when the world grew too heavy. The neon sign outside flickered intermittently, casting garish hues through the smoke-laden air inside. His drink sat untouched, the amber liquid glowing in the dim light. He watched as the door swung open, revealing a silhouette that walked with purpose. Elena.

She slid onto the stool next to him, her presence unsettlingly familiar. "Thought I'd find you here," she said, her voice low and smooth.

Max didn't look at her. "Still got the knack for tracking people, I see."

Elena chuckled softly, a sound devoid of mirth. "Old habits die hard. You know why I'm here, Max."

He turned to face her, his eyes hard. "If you're here to gloat, you're wasting your breath."

Elena leaned in, her eyes narrowing. "You think you've won, don't you? The Black Lotus is just the beginning. You have no idea what's really going on."