Chapter 170: Lifting the Mist

The city breathed, a living entity wrapped in the gloom of perpetual nightfall. Neon signs flickered, casting fractured reflections on the rain-slicked pavement. In this urban jungle, everyone played a part, their roles dictated by the shadows that consumed them.

Max Carter leaned against the gritty brick wall of an alley, cigarette smoke curling around his face like a shroud. The night was cold, unforgiving, a perfect mirror to the thoughts swirling in his mind. The weight of their victory against Elena Garcia bore down on him, the consequences of their actions far from over. The city was a chessboard, and the pieces had merely shifted. The game was still on.

Mia stepped beside him, her presence a steadying force. "What's next?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, but it cut through the silence.