Chapter 180: Fire and Night

Max stood at the edge of the pier, the morning sun casting long shadows over the water. The city's skyline loomed in the distance, a jagged silhouette against the amber sky. He lit a cigarette, the smoke curling up around his face, mingling with the crisp air. Today was supposed to feel like a victory, but the weight on his shoulders hadn't lifted.

Footsteps echoed behind him. He turned to see Mia approaching, her face set in a determined mask. "They took Voss in," she said, her voice cutting through the morning silence. "He's not talking. Figures."

Max took a drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly. "He's got nothing to lose. He thinks his network will keep running without him."

Mia's eyes flashed with anger. "We'll dismantle it piece by piece. We've come too far to let it slip through our fingers now."

Max nodded, crushing the cigarette under his boot. "Let's get to it then."
