Chapter 182: Edge of a Dream

The city's skyline was a jagged silhouette against the bruised dusk, shadows creeping through alleyways like whispers of secrets best left buried. Max Slade stood on the rooftop of the safe house, the city sprawling beneath him. The lights flickered like dying stars, and the hum of distant traffic was a constant reminder that life went on, oblivious to the war he was waging.

Mia's footsteps were soft behind him. "Penny for your thoughts?" she asked, her voice cutting through the night's stillness.

Max didn't turn, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Just thinking about how deep this goes. How many lives have been destroyed by this network."

She joined him at the edge, her presence a steadying force. "We're making a difference, Max. One step at a time."

He nodded, but the weight of their task pressed heavily on his shoulders. "Hill was just the beginning. There are bigger players out there. More powerful, more dangerous."