Chapter 196: Shadows and Silhouettes

The city never slept. Beneath the neon lights and polished veneers, it writhed and pulsed, a living beast that devoured the innocent and nourished the corrupt. Max Slade knew this all too well. He stood in the shadows of an alley, the cold concrete pressing against his back as he watched the movement in the street. His mind was a whirlpool of unresolved cases, betrayals, and the ever-present threat of The Serpent's unseen hand.

Raven's voice crackled through his earpiece. "Max, we've got a lead. A warehouse in the industrial district. It's tied to one of The Serpent's shell companies."

Max's jaw tightened. The Serpent might be behind bars, but his influence spread like a cancer. "Send me the coordinates. I'll head there now."
