Chapter 200: Web of Lies

The city was a symphony of shadows and whispers, its neon heart pulsing with secrets and sin. Max Slade stood at the window of his cramped office, watching the rain streak down the glass like tears of a fallen angel. The cityscape outside was a distorted reflection of his own turmoil—a maze of alleys and hidden corners where darkness thrived and hope was a flickering candle against the storm.

Max took a drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling around his head like a noose. The events of the past few days played on a loop in his mind—Franklin's fall, the cryptic warnings, and the ever-present sense that something darker was yet to come.

His office door creaked open, and Vivian stepped inside, her silhouette framed by the dim light of the hallway. She moved with a grace that belied the tension in her eyes, a tension that mirrored Max's own.

"Max," she said softly, closing the door behind her. "We need to talk."