Chapter 208: Silent Sky

The city never slept, and neither did the shadows that clung to its every corner. Max Slade knew this truth all too well as he navigated the damp, fog-laden streets. The neon lights flickered with a ghostly glow, casting eerie reflections on the wet pavement. He lit a cigarette, the orange ember briefly illuminating his chiseled features before the darkness swallowed him once more.

Vivian walked beside him, her heels clicking rhythmically on the cobblestones, a steady counterpoint to the chaos around them. She was a vision of defiance against the murky backdrop of their world, her eyes sharp and unyielding. They had taken down Rico Delgado, but the victory felt hollow, a temporary reprieve in an unending war.

"Max," Vivian broke the silence, her voice a low murmur. "What's next?"

Max exhaled a plume of smoke, the bitter tang a small comfort in the night. "We need to find out who else is pulling the strings. Delgado was a pawn, not the king."