Chapter 211: Twilight Reckoning

The city never slept. It lurked in the darkness, waiting for moments of weakness, ready to engulf any who dared stand against it. The rain had eased, but a dense fog had rolled in, wrapping the streets in a suffocating embrace. Neon signs flickered like ghosts whispering secrets in the night. Max Slade walked these streets like a lion prowling through his territory, every sense alert, every nerve alive with anticipation.

Vivian walked beside him, her eyes scanning the shadows. They had taken down some of the most dangerous men in the city, but the fight was far from over. The deeper they delved into the city's corruption, the more they realized just how entrenched it was. Max's mind raced with the implications of their actions. Marlowe and Monroe were dead, but their shadows lingered, casting a pall over everything.