Chapter 230: Shots in the Dark

The rain was relentless, a curtain of water falling from the heavens as if to wash away the sins of the city. Max Slade and Vivian Black had taken shelter in an all-night diner, a neon oasis in the bleak urban landscape. The harsh light from the sign outside flickered intermittently, casting eerie shadows on the rain-slicked streets.

Inside, the diner was a refuge of sorts, its vinyl booths and chrome fixtures offering a semblance of normalcy. The waitress, a tired-looking woman with too much makeup, moved through the aisles with a practiced indifference, her tray laden with coffee cups and greasy plates.

Max sat hunched over his coffee, the steam curling up into the air like ghostly tendrils. His hat was pulled low over his eyes, his trench coat still damp from the rain. Vivian sat across from him, her own cup of coffee untouched. Her eyes, usually so sharp and alert, were clouded with worry.