Chapter 251: A Web of Darkness

### Chapter 13: Shadows and Webs

The truck roared down the rain-slick streets, its headlights carving a path through the night. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with the tang of sweat and the acrid stench of fear. Max gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Vivian and Elena sat in tense silence, their minds replaying the events at the dockyard.

Gideon Cole's face haunted Max's thoughts. The man was a serpent, and they'd only managed to cut off one head. The beast would grow another, more vicious and vengeful than before. The crates of weapons in the back of the truck were a temporary reprieve, but Max knew the real battle lay ahead.

"We need a plan," Vivian said, breaking the silence. Her voice was steady, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of doubt. "Marcus gave us the information, but Cole won't stay down for long."