Chapter 265: Threads of Darkness

The rain fell like a relentless whisper, the city's own muted dirge. Max Knight stood on the corner of 5th and Maple, his collar turned up against the downpour, his thoughts as murky as the puddles gathering at his feet. The neon sign of Lou's Diner flickered through the gloom, casting sickly reflections on the wet asphalt. He lit a cigarette, the brief flare of the lighter illuminating the hard lines of his face, the deep furrows of worry etched into his brow.

Inside, the diner was a haven of greasy warmth and dim lights, the clatter of dishes and murmur of conversation a comforting backdrop to his tumultuous thoughts. He slid into a booth at the back, his usual spot, and ordered black coffee. It arrived promptly, steaming and bitter, just like he liked it.

Vivian slipped in across from him, her coat dripping, her eyes searching his. "You look like hell, Max."