Chapter 267: The Long Night

Max sat in his office, the dim light from his desk lamp casting long shadows on the walls. The smoke from his cigarette curled lazily towards the ceiling, mixing with the musty air that seemed to seep from the very fabric of the city. He stared at the file on his desk, a dossier on the Puppeteer Network. Every page told a story of corruption, of power plays and bloodshed. And Sokolov was just the tip of the iceberg.

The phone rang, its sharp jangle cutting through the silence. Max reached for it, his eyes never leaving the file.

"Knight here," he said, his voice a low growl.

"It's Elena. We've got a lead on Sokolov's escape route. Looks like he's holed up in an old warehouse by the docks. Intel says he's planning to skip town tonight."

Max's jaw tightened. "I'll be there in ten. Get Julia and meet me at the rendezvous point."