Chapter 270: Through the Mirror

The city didn't change when dawn broke; it just shifted masks. Neon gave way to sunlight, and the shadows grew sharper. Max Knight stood by the window, the documents sprawled before him now illuminated by the morning light. The previous night's chaos was a distant memory, but its reverberations were felt in every strained muscle and throbbing bruise.

"Max, we need to talk," Julia said, her voice breaking through the haze of his thoughts.

He turned, seeing the concern etched in her features. She was tough, but this life had worn on her as much as anyone. She wasn't just worried about the mission; she was worried about him.

"Talk," he replied, his voice gravelly from lack of sleep.

"It's Archer," she began, hesitating. "He's playing us. The information... it was too good. It led us right into a trap."