Chapter 273: Breaking Dawn

The city was a serpent, coiled and ready to strike. Max could feel it in the air, the palpable tension of a beast awakened. He and Evelyn had barely escaped their pursuers, slipping through the night like ghosts. Now, they sat in a dingy motel room on the outskirts of town, plotting their next move.

The room was a relic of better days, its faded wallpaper peeling like old skin. The flickering neon sign outside cast eerie shadows on the walls, creating a dissonant dance of light and darkness. Max stared out the grimy window, his mind racing through the revelations and risks that lay ahead.

Evelyn was pacing, her anxiety manifesting in every step. "We need allies, Max. People who believe in the cause and have the means to fight back."

Max nodded, his gaze distant. "There's one person I can think of. A name I haven't spoken in years—Victoria Blackwood. She runs an underground network, a shadowy figure with more connections than a switchboard."