Chapter 286: The Long Night

The city, wrapped in a shroud of fog, lay beneath the inky sky. The occasional car horn pierced the silence, a discordant note in the symphony of the streets. Max Hastings stood at his office window, staring at the darkness. He could feel the weight of the city's secrets pressing against the glass, whispering promises and threats in equal measure.

Victoria Thorne was at her desk, her eyes glued to the latest reports. The file on the human trafficking ring was spread out in front of her, a jigsaw puzzle of pain and suffering.

"This ring is bigger than we thought," she said, her voice a low murmur. "They've got ties to politicians, businessmen, even law enforcement."

Max turned, his eyes hard. "We've taken down Moretti and The Widow, but these bastards are just as entrenched. We need to cut the head off this snake."

Victoria nodded. "There's a name that keeps coming up. Alexander Marlowe. Wealthy, connected, untouchable."