What We Deserve

She watched Lucas stand up, throat bobbing as he swallowed repeatedly and tiptoed towards the cradle. She could see tears welling up in his eyes as he carefully hovered over the sleeping infant and studied him.

"My lord, Celia. He's the loveliest little thing I've ever seen." he rasped in a voice choked with awe and emotion.

"He's your boy, Lucas. There's no doubt in my mind."

He looked up at her, his eyes still watery but also glinting with hope. "How can you be so sure?"

Celia didn't want to spoil the beatific aura around her baby by speaking crudely about Tobin. She didn't even want to sully his little ears with that man's name if she could avoid it.

No, she knew to her soul she'd conceived Gabriel during their journey from Islia back to Havietten, during one of those nights she'd found such overwhelming happiness in Lucas's arms. Her child had been made in love.