
Neither spoke for a long time. "You're really that surprised?" Tobin finally asked.

"I guess I'm surprised you admitted it so openly." Celia replied carefully.

He gave a short laugh, then groaned and clutched at his head again.

"What did I do at the start to make you loathe me so much?" she asked quietly. Was he still drunk enough to answer her truthfully?

"Nothing. You did nothing." he mumbled peevishly. "In fact, everyone was raving about you. Your poise and your fabulous dowry, your great intelligence. They all made it sound like you were too much wife for me, like you were so much better than me. I didn't like it."

"I see." Celia could see how a youth might find all that intimidating. "But don't you think it's wiser to meet someone and actually get to know them first, before deciding not to like them?"