No Real Explanation

Celia desperately wanted to confide in Lucas. Despite how things had ended between them, she knew she could still trust him implicitly.

She wanted to tell him how badly she was hurting - how Sabine's shouted words last night had cut her to the core. How despondent she felt about having to face Tobin again soon and not even have an expectant belly to show for it.

She wanted to tell Lucas how terrified she'd been when Sabine had mentioned his name and dragged him into the whole sorry mess.

Celia pressed her lips together and swallowed her words. At least Lucas wasn't in danger anymore, she thought.

"It just all seems so strange. Did Lady Sabine say anything to you about going for a walk around the castle last night?" he asked. "You said the two of you left the banquet together."

Celia shook her head. What would he say if she told him the truth of everything that happened? Would he look at her differently?