Spy and Report

"I need you to take Tobin quietly aside when you see him and tell him you have some grave concerns to share with him."

Lucas stared at her, caught completely off guard. "What concerns am I supposed to have?"

"Easy. You tell him you don't trust my intentions. That our time in Islia has lead you to suspect I may still be more loyal to my kingdom of birth than to Havietten. And then offer to keep me under your surveillance, as a way to help him."

His expression changed from confused to utterly astonished. Perhaps he found her placid tone, rather shocking. "I'm sorry but…what? It sounded almost like you're suggesting I offer to-"

"Spy on me and report to Tobin afterwards? Yes. That's exactly what I'm suggesting." Celia said calmly. 

"What! What the hell, Celia?" he propped himself up on his elbows and stared at her, wide eyed. "Have you run mad? Why would I ever do such a thing?"