Take a Bite

"Open your mouth and take a bite, Celia."

She pressed her lips shut, her vision starting to swim. She knew she shouldn't resist, that the consequences for embarrassing Tobin would be severe.

It's just that the smell of the meat was truly unbearable. What had she done to deserve this?

Celia parted her lips slightly to plead to be excused one last time.

Tobin seized the opportunity to shove the fork into her mouth.

To her poor addled senses, the meat tasted even worse than it smelled. Her mouth felt coated with rich grease.

"Now chew and swallow." he hissed through his own false smile, so that only she could hear. "And best you look pleased about it or I swear, I'll give you something to feel fucking sick over."

Celia knew it wasn't an idle threat. She tried to smile.