A Change in Tactics

Tobin looked at his wife's belly with a worried frown, as if he already knew the baby's gender would disappoint him.

Seeing the king waver, Antony pressed his advantage further. "Sire, wouldn't it be safer to have another man to share the business of ruling with? Instead of relying only on two fragile little lives that can be snuffed out in a tragic instant?"

Listening to those words, Celia could feel the blackest, most violent rage building in her chest. It was so strong, it was visceral. She could almost taste it ugliness in the back of her throat.

"Get out." she heard herself hiss, low and dark, at the viscount.

Antony stared at her in surprise, as if he'd forgotten she was within earshot. Or as if even if she'd heard him, he hadn't expected her to reply. "Your Majesty-" he started in his cunning, soothing manner.

Tobin also craned his neck to look at her in puzzlement. "Wife, what is it-?"