What’s the Big Hurry?

It was already mid morning by the time that the two women returned to the manor house's courtyard and Celia expected everything to be packed and ready for their departure. It wasn't.

Instead, the horses weren't yet saddled and members of their retinue were standing around idly. There was also no sign of Tobin.

Celia could feel her temper rising. She'd already accepted, however reluctantly, that they wouldn't be departing immediately after sunrise, which would've been her preference. Everyone knew the prince wasn't one for rising early.

But if he keeps dragging back our departures until noon, it'll be autumn before we reach the shrine, she fumed. That won't do. I'm not going to stand for this pilgrimage to be dragged out any longer than it needs to be.

After asking one of their coachmen where Tobin was, she stomped back inside and towards the dining hall.