Celia felt like the entire village had gathered outside to say goodbye that morning.
The sun was still low in the sky, casting their long shadows across the ground. She knew the earlier she set off, the earlier she could reach Langley Manor.
And the day after that, she'd be able to see Lucas and Gabriel. The two greatest loves of her life.
Celia clasped the hands of all the peasants who approached her to bid her farewell and Godspeed. She thanked them warmly for their care and hospitality, especially given she represented the heartless dynasty who ruled over them.
They could've turned her away when she'd been left stranded. They could've jeered at her and told her to fix her own problems, like a mighty princess should. But they hadn't.
Darby walked Arden over, leading her by the reins. "My sons looked after your horse, my lady. They fed her oats and apple cores."