After carefully setting aside the letter, Celia could feel herself starting to nod off. She was worried about falling asleep with Aron next to her, so she leaned over and gently placed him back in the cradle. Then she lay back against the headboard and closed her eyes, one arm around Gabriel who was curled up on her lap like a kitten.
She let her mind start slowly drifting off. Had she ever felt so at peace?
That peace was determined to not last long at all. There was a knock at the door that made her eyes pop open.
Maura and Sarai then swept into the bedchamber in a flurry of swishing skirts and clicking beads.
Celia raised her eyebrows at the interruption. "The correct thing to do is wait until you're given permission to enter, instead of just barging in right after you knock."
Sarai tried to look wounded. "There's no need to be so haughty, sister. I'm merely here to meet my new nephew."